Anonymous ID: 39a9e8 Oct. 30, 2021, 1:37 p.m. No.14888053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8055 >>8151

“Project DeepDream v2[A]?” – Q


{AI Manhattan Project.




[“So Google bought this AI company called DeepMind,” Vorhies replied. “Let me just put it in plain language what that is, DeepMind was creating a god-like AI system that is able to ingest the available public information on the internet and make sense of it. Think of it like Amazon Alexa except much much much more intelligent. This AI system was moved out of the UK I believe and placed into China, and it’s been dubbed the AI Manhattan Project.”


DeepMind disputed Vorhies’ comments in a statement to Breitbart News. A DeepMind spokesperson said: “DeepMind is a scientific research organisation headquartered in the UK and does not have operations in China.”


“Vorhies continued: “Peter Thiel — he accused Google of acting in a treasonous way. This is how serious this project is. It’s the most sophisticated and advanced AI project in the world made by an American company and placed in China.””]






Dewey intends to use Deep Dream for real-time mass surveillance alongside the latest incarnation of the CIA's targeted assassination 'Beta' program, known as "Iron Hand", a much more ruthless and sinister version of Blackbriar in which the assassin can intentionally murder anyone to get to the target.


The Beta programs are various illegal projects to exploit viral reprogramming of the human genome to create superhumans. The object of these programs was to develop super-soldier-spies.


Black operation files


01 - IRON HAND (Dewey intends to use Deep Dream for real-time mass surveillance alongside the latest incarnation of the CIA's targeted assassination 'Beta' program, known as "Iron Hand", a much more ruthless and sinister version of Blackbriar in which the assassin can intentionally murder anyone to get to the target.)










06 - LARX (was Treadstone without the inconsistencies, Outcome without the emotional attachment, and was the latest Beta-III project)


07 - OUTCOME (The JSOC program was Outcome. Beta-II project) (Sterisyn-Morlanta is a chemical company contracted by the US government to conduct viral research for the Beta program, specifically Outcome.) (Operation Outcome, a United States Department of Defense black ops program which enhances the physical and mental abilities of field operatives through pills referred to as "chems".)


08 - EMERALD LAKE (The first project in the program was Emerald Lake (Beta-0 series), the original of the enhanced spies. They used two viral factors to induce increased muscle and cognition abilities. However withdrawal of the viral factors led to loss of the skills imbued by the viral factors, necessitating the need to keep popping the pills. The loss of the cognition factor led to a decline in baseline cognition below that of the subject prior to induction into the program.)






A malware program implanted in the files gives the CIA Bourne's location

Anonymous ID: 39a9e8 Oct. 30, 2021, 1:37 p.m. No.14888055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8058 >>8130 >>8151


After Emerald Lake, several Beta-I series projects were initiated, for the Black programs, JSOC, and the CIA. The CIA program was Treadstone. These improved programs still had bugs to work out. The next step were the Beta-II series projects.


Treadstone-upgrade, Treadstone without the inconsistencies was what came to be Operation Blackbriar. It was a Beta-II project. It was not the only one. The JSOC program was Outcome.


Operation Blackbriar was the successor to Operation Treadstone. Blackbriar is essentially the umbrella program for all of the CIA's black operations, including "lethal action"


One of the many pros in regards to Blackbriar is the ability for its commanders to make real-time decisions instead of waiting for authorization from Washington D.C.; "no more red tape" according to Vosen. []


The Blackbriar code word is flagged by ECHELON's systems.


"Joint-D.O.D. Communications" program which had been dubbed "Blackbriar."


Blackbriar operatives being Beta-II series.


NRAG is the organization in charge of the so-called Beta Programs


NRAG determines that its programs have the potential to be compromised due to the ill-advised sharing of assets between the various black projects by over-zealous CIA officials. The programs reviewed by the investigative team are Emerald Lake, Treadstone, Blackbriar, Outcome, and LARX.


The program originated in an accident at USAMRIID at Fort Dettrick (discovered a way to modify the human genome. This lead to create the foundation of the Beta programs)


All Operation Blackbriar and Operation Treadstone operatives are retconned to be Beta project subjects, Blackbriar operatives being Beta-II series. ( The programs modified human cognition (blue pills) and human muscle power (green pills). Eventually these could be obviated by full viral modification of the human genome, and permanent enhancement, but it resulted in a severe flu-like condition, where the subject could die. )


The entire Beta programs are overseen by the National Research Assay Group.


The retcon for Blackbriar reveals that both it and Treadstone are both Beta programs for creating assassins with genetic engineering.


(a covert program that uses a behavioral modification protocol to turn recruits into nearly-superhuman assassins. The series follows sleeper agents across the globe as they are mysteriously 'awakened' to resume their deadly missions. The program breaks down these assassins' personalities, erases their memories, and eliminates their moral code so they can effectively kill targets around the world.)


In the present day, the cicada project is being revived by unknown forces, reactivating sleeper agents around the world who are unaware of their own abilities and training. Although it's sometimes indicated that Cicada is the project's proper name, it's also an extension of Treadstone


Treadstone retconned the creation of Operation: Treadstone (and Jason Bourne's origin) by revealing that its roots come from a program called Cicada, which was controlled by the Soviet Union. The series introduced CIA agent J. Randolph Bentley (Jeremy Irvine), who was essentially the first Jason Bourne. In 1973, Bentley was captured by KGB agents in East Berlin and disappeared for nine months, during which time he was subjected to brainwashing and torture, which mentally broke him. Bentley was then given advanced training in combat, weapons, and spycraft, which was overseen by KGB Agent Petra Andropov (Emilia Schüle). The intention was for Bentley to become the first Cicada agent - a black ops assassin who would be inserted into a new life and lie in wait until he was activated for a mission.


The Cicada program was the brainchild of Soviet scientist Dr. Gustav Meisner (Martin Umbach). Using a combination of hypnosis, drugs, sleep deprivation, and electrical stimulation to certain areas of the brain, Meisner's methods were designed to strip away a person's identity and make them controllable human weapons. Though Bentley was able to rebel against his programming, escape his captors, and return to the CIA, he still succumbed and killed targets while suffering from induced hallucinations during his months under KGB control.


Cicadas are sleeper agents who will follow certain prescripted commands when "awakened", or activated. They were originally conceived by the KGB during the Cold War as a part of Gustav Meisner's Tsikada program, and kept the monicker when the program was reverse engineered by the CIA and perfected under Operation Treadstone.

Anonymous ID: 39a9e8 Oct. 30, 2021, 1:37 p.m. No.14888058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8073 >>8151



“a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth . . . a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity.”


Barlow knew that new technology could create and empower evil as much as it could create and empower good. He made a conscious decision to focus on the latter: "I knew it’s also true that a good way to invent the future is to predict it. So I predicted Utopia, hoping to give Liberty a running start before the laws of Moore and Metcalfe delivered up what Ed Snowden now correctly calls 'turn-key totalitarianism.'”


“Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.”


Tensions between Mr. Trump and Mr. Esper escalated this year when Mr. Esper broke publicly with the president over whether federal troops should have been used to control protests that erupted across the country in response to the killing of George Floyd.


“Pushed further by a journalist to answer whether he had ever considered firing Mr. Esper, Mr. Trump simply shrugged.


“I consider firing everybody at some point,” the president said.”


“I wonder if traitor Edward Snowden will be attending the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow on November 9th.”


“ObamaCare is a disaster and Snowden is a spy who should be executed-but if it and he could reveal Obama's records,I might become a major fan”




using a program called "Snow White", which enables them to look into the past (4 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes, 45 seconds, 14.5 nanoseconds) in detail by (according to Pryzwarra) using several satellites to form a triangulated image of events. The system is limited in that they can only see past events once; there is no fast forwarding or rewinding, although they can record what they see in the process. Convinced that Claire is a vital link, Doug persuades them to focus on her. While the team observe Claire's past through "Snow White", the bomber calls her to talk about the SUV that she advertised for sale. He does not buy her car, but the "Snow White" team now knows exactly where and when he was during the call.


Doug finds out "Snow White" is actually a time window, and can send inanimate objects into the past. Despite Denny's protests against tampering with the past, Doug has the team send a note back to his past self with the time and place to stop the ferry bomber. Instead, his partner Larry Minuti (Matt Craven) gets the note and while following up on it is shot by the terrorist. The team attempts to follow the fleeing terrorist, who takes Minuti with him, but he moves outside of Snow White's range. However, Doug is able to follow him in the present using a specially equipped vehicle with a mobile Snow White unit.