look over there
boston steamer cream pie
border security ring of fire disease
U.N.-lubed gehycowboy movie
spread the lube
in the valley where shadows lie
ever[y] larp gets them closer
first pony
worst pony
side pony
gehy african nigg ground nut batter larp lubes of glory !
crae crae coC.I.A.ne
call sponsor
call sponsor
sponsor has watch story to share
psychic corndogs needs sauce
so much has muhcreepypasta'd since last years research
we must fight to get the horicrux back to sourman
frodo is our only hope
Gandalf said he gave the horicrux to frodo
super mario makes corndog innuendo
taht pedo racist frog does too many cheems
every larp
gets them
closer to
mtolive gardenDoom
smeagol has teh JEWelry
naughty 'gay' fags
mysterious 'gay' fag
bitch bitch bitch bitch
whine whine whine whine
cry in canadian
with every triggered
finger in the butt
gehy niggs invade Q_eerjewbait poleland