I still can’t believe Biden actually shit his pants in front of the Pope not just once but twice!
I still can’t believe Biden actually shit his pants in front of the Pope not just once but twice!
>We're gonna need proof of that
The guy who shit his pants on the edge of the photo
>Because his arms are out a bit?
That’s the surprised “I shit my pants” look that Biden always has
>handlers put a wetsuit on him. when diapers failed
That’s plausible
So he just marinated in his own excrement all day.
>My Fellow Americans, Ladies and Gentlemen abroad, I Am writing you regarding a matter of the upmost importance to our National and Global Security. This nofap november will be the most important act of revolutionary defiance since the boston tea party and the shot heard ww. We the People are found face to face with the forefront and precipice of the greatest war between good and evil to ever take place on the face of the earth. This is the most imporant nofap november that has and will ever occur in the history of mankind. True Arrows True. Psalm 127 4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Proverbs 16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. Q said Everything has meaning. Everything has Double Meaning. Save the Children. No coincidences, Nothing is Random. [Comms On] Remember Remember the fifth of November. The Fifth = The Kingdom of Heaven is Inside of you, and it is outside of you, this is the order in which Ezra stated the 7 ways the servants of the Lord experience Life after death. 2 Esdras 4 [96] The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality.
>The Perfect Law of Liberty, Many called few Chosen, the Elect, The Law is a Light. The Children of the Light. Follow the White Rabbit. The Firstborn. Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, Ephesus's First Love and the 7 Churches
>Ascending the 7 Heavens anatomically between the birth in the Water of the Holy Spirit unto the Blood. Bringing the Spirit from Heaven into the Flesh, reforming the Hyaloid Canal, and Eyes to See. The Overcomer, The
>Overcomers. The Morning Star, the Morning Stars. Be the Autists We Know You Can Be.
>Remember Remember the Fifth of November, When Autists and Godfearing Men and [W]oman [W]ere All Americans, United not Divided, Indisivible, Under God and Jesus Christ, When they Held the Line, and Took Back the
>Advantage, When All Boats Rose, and the Elect took Flight like Eagles. When the Grain of a Mustard Seed moved mountains. Because Autists and Neets and Digital Soldiers Knew Their God, and Were Strong, and Did
>Exploits. White Gold is 50/50% Gold and Silver, called Elect-Rum. A Superconductor. We Will Destroy the Dam that is blocking the Milk that is trying to flow into Jerusalem with the Honey. Jerusalem is the Light of the World
>in the bottom of the fourth corner of the abyss. By Uniting Under God this November we can incubate the scalar electric white gold primordial charge of Our Souls through the Light of the World. Computer board uses little metal
>nodes in grid patterns because their symmetry harnesses 2d crystalline structure to super conduct and compute electricity. The Lost Sheep of the 12 Tribes of Israel are like this. A little Heaven leavens the whole loaf. And the
>Elect are incarnate, they will be United in the West. Isaiah 49:6 59:19 The Elect are the Members, the Anatomy of the Godhead in Heaven. The 144,000. We are in part subconciously supercomputing the spirit of mankind.
>Everything above a certain hz is connected, and everything below a certain hz is connected. Think mirror. You Have More than You Know.
>Riders on the Storm, We Are the Storm
>United Not Divided
>True Love Never Dies
>One if by the Land, Two if by the Sea
>You Will Find the Advantage you are Looking For
>Liberty Bell
>Learn the Comms, Study for Graduation.
>Save the Children = Save America = Save the World
>Saving Israel for Last
>Come out of Babylon
No sauce