Anonymous ID: 68db4e Nov. 1, 2021, 2:29 p.m. No.14901587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1883 >>2013

>>14901062 (You), >>14901101 (You) 1/2 chan poster on what really happened on the Rust set: satanic, sacrificial, art predicting death

1/2. Chan insider end

Anonymous ID:QZ8tlKkc Fri 22 Oct 2021 14:43:56 No.344421763

Yes. Satanists believe that they must sacrifice someone close to them to move up higher in degrees. They are also freemasons which is a front group for them.

There are different ways to move up and different clubs that have different rules.

Actors and musicians do the close to them sacrifice thing a lot. You can look up people like lady gaga and ashton kutcher to get this idea. Travolta.

There is a witch cult I've heard of that helps women. There are levels where the women have to first be a prostitute for the wealthy, then steal something valuable, then trick a guy into meeting them somewhere in which they then get raped with a spiked condom and murdered, then they have to get engaged with a man and break it off and keep a ring, and the final event is to have a child and sacrifice it in a brutal way.

If someone tells you multiple things that sound correct and then you start getting confused because your narrow world view can't comprehend it, then maybe you might be the problem. Maybe you, like a lot of others here, live a very boring life in which you never and will probably never interact with the rich and powerful. You can't imagine fucking a supermodel or spending 100K a night because it is so far out of your realm that it is fantasy. I understand that the occult stuff sounds like fantasy to a lot of you. There is nothing I can do to make you believe it other than to tell you I've seen it up front and so have many others who work out here. All I can say is expand your horizons maybe.


She was a cinematographer which is kind of like the second in importance on a set after the director. They control the camera and they are often along with the director, the ones who are running the show. They are sometimes considered the real person in charge because they dictate the shooting of everything. Apparently she was said to be a rising star.

The way the sacrifices works is that the target has some kind of symbolic meaning to the date and circumstance. Sometimes they are just random people. As I understand it, satanists do rituals and the more the rituals align with symbolism and numerology, the better it is and more power it gives them. So a satanist who does a ritual by killing a random person on a random day in an alley would receive less power than one that killed someone that represents a symbol, in an altar, on a black sabbath, at a satanic time.

I think she was just some regular woman.


When we go out to foreign places, even on tier 3 productions(big time if you know you know) we don't use foreign labor for any kind of major property management because it is a major security risk. You let some mexican guy who makes 6K a year hold onto your 30K lens you are not seeing that shit again. They 100% would have to pocket that bullet and sneak it on board. Even dummy rounds get checked most of the time for powder.

I have a friend that is a spiritual advisor in the hills and was thesame person who Kappy went to before he was offed. He says that we are in the literal end times and that they are going to be doing more public rituals because they aren't afraid of punishment. You may have seen the VMA's one year where they had the audience where devil horns and say praise satan or maybe you've seen a superbowl half time or large concert where they are doing ritualistic satanic stuff and everyone is cheering it on. This is what is know as a mass energy ritual. There's a more specific name for it but I forget what it is. They are also done in the form of protests like BLM stuff and trans rights stuff. According to my friend they are going to be happening more and more along with more sacrifice.


Should also mention they rearrange numbers sometimes to achieve master numbers that relay occult symbolism.

The death also fits that.

10212021 = 111222 = 111(3) 222(6) = 3 and 6 or three 6's = 666.

If you haven't studied it then it seems crazy, but this is what these people believe. They liter this world with numerology and symbology because they believe that it honors satan and gives them power.

Occult numerology reduces the digits to a single number. They also deal in master numbers that double and triple.

Anonymous ID: 68db4e Nov. 1, 2021, 3:23 p.m. No.14901859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It’s official all MSM are pussified and suck ups to their handlers

Anonymous ID: 68db4e Nov. 1, 2021, 3:35 p.m. No.14901952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I wonder of any black people wonder why white democrats are constantly attacking their own race?