Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.14910834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0935 >>0937 >>0958 >>1098

US Army Announces It Now Identifies As Winner Of Afghan War


America’s most embarrassing military failure is no more. In fact, it never existed at all. Early Friday morning, the United States Department of Defense announced that henceforth, it identifies as the winner of the 20-year war in Afghanistan.


The change means that once again, America’s troops are undefeated in all wars stretching back to the nation’s founding. While America has won many cisvictories in its long military history, the new announcement makes Afghanistan the countries first transvictory. The Vietnam War, another prior defeat, came out of the closet as “more of a draw, really” in 1997.


“To be honest, we always knew we were the real winners, but after existing for more than 200 years in a transphobic society, we didn’t feel comfortable enough to come out with our true selves,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said in a press conference at the Pentagon.


“It was only the unprecedented bravery and heroism of Rachel Levine, the beautiful woman who just became our first female four-star admiral, that gave us the courage to come out,” Milley added.


“From now on, our pronouns will be winner/victor/conqueror,” said Brigadier General and Army chief of public affairs Amy Johnston.


The revelation sheds new light on past statements by Gen. Milley. For example, Milley’s repeated assurances that the Afghan Armed Forces were well-trained and well-prepared for war with the Taliban, once falsely labeled as “lies,” are now revealed as the confident statements of a commander who knew US forces were on the brink of total victory. Similarly, Americans once thought that Milley was lying when he called an August 29 drone strike a “righteous strike,” since it only killed ten civilians; including several children. But under the Pentagon’s newly-chosen “Victory” identity, the ten victims of that strike are now revealed to be eight senior Taliban leaders, plus a member of the Proud Boys and Julian Assange.


Americans previously believed to have gone missing following America’s sudden defeat are now understood to have gone missing after America’s wild victory parade through the streets of Kabul.


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the revelation could have come earlier if not for backward modes of thinking that are still widespread across America.


“Millions of Americans still have an outdated ‘win-or-lose’ binary attitude for thinking about war,” said Austin. “Really, war outcomes exist on a spectrum and are more fluid.”


Austin emphasized that, to protect the armed forces from future mental health crises, it is the duty of all Americans to affirm its new identity.


“In particular, it’s essential that Congress keep funding us like the unstoppable, undefeated military force we are and have always been,” Austin said. “Giving some fat new contracts to Raytheon and Boeing would be especially nice. Oh, and we want another carrier.”


Twitter has already indicated that it will ban any users who “deadwar” the Pentagon by suggesting it was actually defeated in Afghanistan.


“Hateful statements about how the Afghan war ‘really’ ended could drive the military suicide rate even higher than it already is,” the company said in a statement. “Such words are violence and will not be tolerated.”


YouTube, meanwhile, has taken down viral videos that showed Afghans falling off evacuating planes and Taliban fighters romping through the mansions of abandoned warlords. In their place, YouTube has put up computer-generated “victory confirmation footage,” which shows a squad of all-female SEALs mowing down Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, then making out atop his bullet-riddled body as a rainbow flag waves in the background.


A Pentagon spokesperson was cagey about whether the DOD was questioning its identity in relation to other major conflicts, saying only that the “Iraq has always felt like Normandy trapped in Vietnam’s body.”

Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 7:21 p.m. No.14910868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0896 >>1064 >>1177 >>1206 >>1372

Facebook Liable for Human Trafficking Connections: Court Ruling


Facebook 'fuels child grooming': Rise in offences is blamed on tech giant as it emerges online cases rocketed

during Covid pandemic… and almost half were carried out via apps owned by the company, NSPCC report




Facebook survey asks users if they condone pedophilia


Twitter Faces Claim It Benefited From Child Sex Trafficking


Doe v. Twitter, Inc. (3:21-cv-00485)


Evidence of Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities



For decades, Berlin government authority deliberately sent orphans to 'special school' run by pedophiles


Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 7:24 p.m. No.14910896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064 >>1177 >>1206 >>1372



Pedophile prostitution trial implicates Netherlands elite, royalty


Portuguese Pedophile Network: Popular TV host and UN Ambassador among those sentenced for raping




Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years



Australian Pedophile Ring Emerges, Ties Point Directly To Top U.S. Officials -

Europol, who was involved in this particular investigation, provided the following statement: “It attempted to

operate as a ‘discussion–only’ forum where people could share their sexual interest in young boys without

committing any specific offences, thus operating ‘below the radar’ of police attention."



Nicole Kidman’s Father Dies Amid Pedophile, Child Murder Ring Allegations

Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children

in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW

police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on her throughout




Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 7:27 p.m. No.14910939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064 >>1177 >>1206 >>1372

Justin Trudeau’s Best Friend Found Guilty Of Child Porn Charges, Directing World Wide Child Porn Ring Charles Ingvaldson, 42, a long-term close friend of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, has been found guilty of child pornography charges after being caught directing an international pedophile ring. Ingvaldson entered guilty pleas in B.C. Provincial Court in Vancouver to accessing child pornography and possession of child porn.


Ontario deputy education minister and member of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s 2013 transition team was jailed in May 2015 for sickening and disturbing online child pornography activities.


Remains of more than 1,000 Indigenous children found at former residential schools in Canada State-run boarding schools for Indigenous children operated in Canada between 1863 and 1998.


Trudeau announces he consulted with Hillary Clinton about Afghanistan crisis


20 establishment figures 'in elite paedophile ring'

UK Former child protection manager says there are up to 20 prominent public figures in alleged paedophile ring covering Parliament and judiciary


Pope Francis Quietly Releases Names of over 1,000 Priests Accused of Child Rape


Four Major Charities Rocked by Epidemic of Sex Abuse, Including Crimes Against Children

CAFOD. Catholic aid organization CAFOD confirmed it has dismissed a member of staff who was named in the Oxfam Haiti scandal. “When we were made aware, we immediately put the staff member on leave to investigate in line with our Code of Behavior protocol,” CAFOD said.“We can confirm that the individual has

been dismissed today.

Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 7:29 p.m. No.14910966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064 >>1074 >>1177 >>1206 >>1372

Apple gets hit with chip shortage, starts cannibalizing iPads – reports


US tech giant Apple has cut its iPad output by half in order to use semiconductor chips, which are currently in short supply, for its iPhone 13 production, media reports state, citing company sources.


Production of iPads was down 50% from the company’s initial plans for September-October, Nikkei Asia reported. The iPad parts were reallocated for the production of the new iPhone 13, along with chips intended for older versions of the smartphone. Both iPad and iPhone lines share a number of components, including core and peripheral chips.


According to sources, Apple is betting on stronger demand for the smartphone than for the iPad. The company is also known to prioritize its new releases, and the new iPhone 13 is just out of the box, so to speak, having been released on September 24.


It’s not the first time Apple has placed iPhones ahead of iPads in the pecking order. Last year, the firm moved some iPad parts to the iPhone 12 to support the product amid supply-chain troubles during the Covid-19 pandemic.


However, global demand for the iPad has also recently been on the rise as more people started working and studying from home during lockdowns. According to International Data Corporation (IDC) market research company, Apple has already shipped 40.3 million iPads this year, a 17.83% increase from the same period 12 months ago. On the down side, and presumably due to parts reallocation, consumers currently have to wait for up to six weeks to get a new iPad, according to Apple’s website.


Earlier reports stated that Apple also plans to slash its iPhone 13 production by as many as 10 million units during the upcoming holiday season from the previous target of 90 million, in order to deal with the growing shortage of semiconductors.


Acknowledging the impact of supply setbacks, Apple CEO Tim Cook recently said that the company’s revenue for July-September came up $6 billion short of expectations due to the “industry-wide silicon shortages and Covid-related manufacturing disruptions.” He added that the impact for the fourth quarter could be even worse.

Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 7:34 p.m. No.14911006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1323

The Morrison government is making it easier for companies to mislead the market and get away with it. The federal government has all but passed new legislation that will make it more difficult to punish deceptive behaviour in corporate Australia. Independent Senator Rex Patrick had proposed that around 1,500 “large proprietary companies” with links to

Australia’s richest people be forced to report their financials to ASIC like everyone else. They include companies linked to former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the Myer family, and billionaire Alex Waislitz. Under a loophole opened in 1995 by then-Prime Minister Paul Keating, these entities were temporarily exempted from disclosing their financial activities. Twenty-five years later it still hasn’t been closed, providing a specific subset of elite Australians with the kind cover not provided to anyone else.


ATO data reveals almost a third of big companies still not paying tax in Australia


The millionaires who pay no tax


The big corporate hitters who the ATO says are paying no tax


Global gas giants use loophole to avoid tax on billions from Australian operations


How Uber, Google, Facebook and Other Tech Giants Avoid Paying Billions in Tax?

Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 7:53 p.m. No.14911193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crown Immunity Australia


And when a FOIA was made to find out how much money was being extracted? Denied.

Money to The Crown Corporation and/or The English Monarchy Gary Anderson made this Freedom of Information request to Department of the Treasury. This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body.


IMF & World Bank are weapons of war, by John Pilger

War By Other Means


Industrial Zionism: Espionage, Deception, & Interstitial Compromise


The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Investigates the Israel Lobby


One Belt, One Road

Israel’s role in China’s flagship policy.



Business Papers (held in France)

Held by the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail, Roubaix, France

The Trustees of The Rothschild Archive London are responsible for the collection of business records of the Paris House. In 1972, the French Rothschild family deposited the archives of de Rothschild Frères with the Archives Nationales de France in Paris. These papers were subsequently transferred to the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail in Roubaix, France. In 1999, with the creation of The Rothschild Archive Trust, the Trustees of the Rothschild Archive assumed responsibility for these deposited papers; the collection remains at Roubaix.

Anonymous ID: bbde58 Nov. 2, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.14911336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wikileaks Reveals Saudi Arabia and Qatar Giving Money to both Clinton and ISIS

The first two emails below reveal that the Podesta/Clinton team fully understood that Qatar and Saudi Arabia finance ISIS and international terrorism. These email exchanges in this post took place immediately after the Wall Street Journal/Grimaldi article titled


This entire effort should be done with a low profile, avoiding the massive traditional military operations that are at best temporary solutions. While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.


More on their discussions and awareness of problematic Clinton Foundation donations from states that support terrorism or have a dubious record regarding support for terrorist related activities:


John Podesta and The Uranium One Story


J. Assange - Clinton Foundation and ISIS funded by the same money


Wikileaks- Podesta email release highlights Clinton team discussing lobbying via foreign agents and decision

making regarding accepting of various foreign donations. Note that Podesta was on point soliciting money from

Gulf states.


Subject: Re: WSJ | Foreign Government Donations To answer earlier questions on this chain — we looked into foreign govt donations to former presidential libraries and foundations a while back. See memo attached. Will update to include Bush 43. Bush 41 received funds from Qatar, Kuwait, Japan, Oman, UAE for his library, including while his son was in office.