Sorry U.S. Marines, but you’re losing my support as you pretend to fight for freedom while wearing fear masks. Can’t be done.
Thirty years ago, anon thought the world was coming to peace, and Asia would become a great place to explore. Thought the Yangtze would have been fantastic to see by seaplane before Three Gorges flooded everything. Thought seaplanes could make a comeback and be a great way for people to see the world.
Found some great people to work with in the late 90s and pool our efforts. Had two Albatross, a Solent and shopping for PBYs. Lined up the old Lagoon in Alameda and….
9/11 killed the entire effort within hours.
Clearly, that is not what [they] are willing to see humans doing.
The ‘in your face’ irony is very painful to see. Grown men, made into tough guys, ready to floss with innards… yet scaeered to breath air.
A Military in facemasks, is not, CAN NOT be, a Military fighting for me, my family, our Constitution, God and a good country. It really is a simple thing.
Appaloosa says yes, understood!