travis SCOT…
scot(t) some code we overlooked?
we are ALREADY terrorists/'domestic violent extremists' per DHS, FBI, and CDC. (and likely FEMA/UN and Bureau of Prisons) Actions will not make us 'more' terrorist, clown.
that is what makes them a moran. we dont speak that language, thus…
the word has meaning and it fits.
there is nothing to seek, MORAN
no shit. satanism/religion is slavery
> anti-Semitism
we are against being harvested and eaten, and the businesses, agencies, governments, ad financial institutions that facilitate that supply chain. A chain with many so called jewish inks.
>Black Watch
This isArizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene.
At the time my friend and Arizona had no idea what Christine Fitzgerald had said. Arizona had been programmed and trained since childhood to become a Mother Goddess who conducted Satanic rituals at the highest levels of the Brotherhood all over the world. She described to my friend the inside of many secret and underground facilities that he has personally seen. What she described was accurate every time. He also checked her story with other contacts and the truth of her memories was continually confirmed.
What she told my friend, and later told me on audio and video tape, supports the information supplied by other slaves and by Christine Fitzgerald about the Windsors and their true nature. Arizona said that she officiated at Satanic rituals at Glamis Castle in Tayside, Scotland, the childhood home of the Queen Mother, who still owns the property, and also at Balmoral, the Queen’s Scottish residence. The Brotherhood obsession with Scotland, she said, was because there are many entrances there into the inner-Earth where the physical reptilians live.
Glamis Castle is built on the site of an 11th century royal hunting lodge and the present building dates from around 1687. It is mentioned in the ‘Shakespeare’ story of Macbeth. Arizona said that the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne are present at the rituals and so is Charles’ girlfriend, Camilla Parker-Bowles. Doesn’t it all now start to make sense?
She said that during the sacrificial rituals the Queen wears a cloak of gold fabric inlaid with rubies and black onyx. The Queen and Charles have their own ritual goblets, inlaid with precious stones signifying their Illuminati-Brotherhood rank. The Mother Goddess says that the Queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man code-named ‘Pindar’ (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her in the Satanic hierarchy.
This also supports a claim made to me by another recovered slave who said she had seen the Queen physically beaten by someone above her in Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to Prince Charles and Arizona says that Pindar is Charles’ real father. She said that thesacrificial victims used in the rituals at Glamis Castle are mostly under five years of age and the ceremonies are guarded by members of Scotland’s Black Watch. She also confirmed that Lord Mountbatten was a paedophile and that the Windsors are reptilians in human form. Her interview with me was taped, as were the ones with Christine Fitzgerald, and copies are now at various addresses.
The video interview with Arizona is available and details are at the back of the book. I stress that this Mother Goddess had no idea what Christine Fitzgerald had told me and yet their statements match again and again. Arizona says that Diana definitely knew that the Windsors were shape-shifting reptilians and Diana’s comments to Christine Fitzgerald support this.