>>14951018 (pb)
>Does the earth think it has a plague?
No, it doesn't.
"The Earth" is not a stupid NPC human.
And a lie is not a plague.
And most people do not wear masks in public, unless FORCED to, which means most people do not believe in the fake + gay "pandemic", otherwise they would wear it EVERYWHERE.
See, logic trumps idiotic beLIEf.
>muh here's the definition
>to make an untrue statement WITH INTENT TO DECEIVE
this IMPLIES that you need to know that it's an untrue statement in the first place.
So what you were writing was bollocks.
So the faggot accused me of a LIE, which is in itself an untrue statement. Thank you for proving me right and the jesus-faggot wrong.
Aren't you the same one who goes on on on about "believe in Jesus, that will save you" over and over?
I call that trying to mind control people.
It's fine if you believe in it, but what you are doing doesn't help anyone.
>you just need to believe in Jesus
>Jesus shows up
>Nooooo, I wouldn't believe anyone calling himself Jesus
So you don't believe in Jesus then?
See, it doesn't make sense.
It makes logical sense when I assume that the faggot would follow someone that calls himself "Jesus" simply because he claims to believe in "Jesus".
Oh I see, there are either multiple of (you), or you used another UID, I see, I see.