Since before the beginning of the Q Movement, It has been apparent that we are not receiving the "Actual" news.
It should be obvious that our emotions and fears are being used by the MSM to influence, and dictate the course of the American way of life.
It should come as no surprise, that there are many Americans that are fed up with the constant barrage of inflammatory disinformation, and bias news reports that paint the American citizens who fight for FREEDOM as stains on the American way of life.
As a news outlet, you are imbued with a privilege that is protected by the Constitution of The United States of America.
It is clearly defined by the Constitutionution, and that privilege is to be unencumbered when informing the public of wrongdoing, and fallacies that will impact the American way of life.
The MSM has gone away from this fundamental right, and instead, Unapologetically looks for financial compensation from sponsors and other wealthy donors.
These Donors and financiers have been influencing the news, Not the Facts.
It is also our right, And Duty, to ensure that the news is unencumbered, and not subject to misrepresentation of facts.
We have meticulously pointed out NOTABLE facts that the MSM is not covering, and we are also able to discern for ourselves which media shared on these boards is Notable, and which is propaganda, Much like the news outlets are "Supposed" to do.
We are not Anti-Semitic, in ANY form. We are Anti Propaganda. Those reading these Boards should be able to tell which comments are notable. Those who cannot, are simply fueling the fire that is raging in the hearts of the American people.
As for Why people should look to this board for the news, It is clear.
We do not bend the rules based on our paychecks.
We observe, Protect, and Defend the Constitution of the United States, and will do so until our last breath. If you truly expect us to believe that you care for the American way of life, report the facts from ALL sides, and STOP promoting the news that is "APPROVED" by the people that sign your paychecks.
You know, JUST THE FACTS!!