Years ago they said they could not use kid friendly marketing in cigarette commercials, joe camel. But they can do this. I agree its time to start taking heads. Fuck them.
Laying Fiber.
not me this bitch on the presser. Never heard laying fiber as much as this cunt has said it.
occasionally just until the kyle show comes back on.
imagine the smell.
if he doesn't i think that will be another big indicator that he is not in charge .
Fuck you first faggot. WE grew up with out boomers, and yeah some have fucked up shit but its retards like you and your faggot attitude that make it worse. KYS
oh no you called us a name. OH NO. neck yourself.
no shit. Now you can fuck off also.
i didnt call you anything except a faggot, FAGGOT. TOP KEK Melting away. HAHAH god you shills are so sad. I love bitch slapping the shit out of you little cowards.
i hope you enjoy the yous, maybe you can buy your family out of slavery so they wont be raped anymore.
wow i must have really upset the chink. No wonder you have to drink and cut yourself nightly because you are scared of the hell that is coming for you. You should be your family is going to be punished. Sorry you have to deflect by saying such fanstasitcal things. Enjoy your cage little chink.
wow touched a nerve there much like you touch your children, is that why you have to earn so much so you can fuck kids? Is that why kid fucker. Dirty dirty little kid fucking shill. How about you neck yourself now.
whatever you say kid fucker, and a threat on top of it, is that how you talk to the kids you kidnap right before you fuck them?
awww the kid raper is having a fit. Neck yourself kid fucker. HOw many kids are you pimping out nightly? Is that how you afford all that stuff. DO you taste the merchandise? I bet you do kid fucker you dirty dirty kid fucker. Hell i bet you are uncle joe actually. Are you uncle joe kid fucker?
he got chided for that a little bit kek.
and now we know what you really are. Hi hebe.