>and out
Let's not paint with too broad (pardon the pun) of a brush, Anon.
>.attractive woman
That's the only point I'm making.
Both that and anything else that can be said about her are simultaneously true.
That account reminds me of that long-haired effeminate guy that makes videos LARPing as a lefty.
Ol' whatshisname.
1st semi-attractive (ya know like a 5) member of that lizard gene pool I've seen yet.
Come on, man.
That's one of those Mama Black Bears.
You don't want to piss one of those off.
Selling the Trumps down the river because your heroine Grifty Wendy got her fee fees all hurt.
Moar like Melania called Windbag Wendy out indirectly via her tweet.
The Trump' s have had a long pre-WH history of being involved with the Poz'd Community causes.
Seems a bit unfair to call it pandering at this point.
Disagreeing with it is one thing - calling it something it isn't is another.
And the Wendy part comes from her being the triggering of this latest brouhaha.
My bad if Wendy isn't part of the calculus for you here.
>a true gen x would have kept their mouth shut
Boomer Chinks are the worst!
An Anon already copyrighted that back in 2018 you Millennial thief!
Pressure needs to be put on the AZ AG.
Preferably by the citizens of AZ only.
Otherwise the "outside influencers" label will be applied in an attempt to disrupt it.
Even the Boob arguments don't slide as hard as the gen warfare ones do.
Still amazes me at this late stage of QR history.
> I don't even have kids thanks to you stupid fucking boomers and gen x making everything so goddamn expensive just for one person to survive
That and the fact that nobody wants to fuck you.
I tried to tell Doodle that last week and it only made him double-down harder.
Lesson learned.
kek nothing personal - it was just too easy a layup to pass up
That Oscar was full of great quotes.