These anons get it, what's taking the rest of you so long? This isn't hard.
because jews want to exterminate us
>Jones man bad
I keep reading this here but everything I hear him say is based. What does he lie about?
If you think there's no plan there's no reason for you to be here
it's a jew, retard
thanks, never heard this. So if he's a jewish operative, what's he doing/saying that helps jews?
calling people shills for naming the jew, makes you a faggot!!
I've listened to a couple hours of him, I'm not sitting through dozens of hours of him, what does Jones do that jews us? Everytime I see him he's giving good news.
you could say most of those things about Trump
I see Tucker do that all the time, need examples for Jones
everyone that's been shit talking Jones for the past 5 years, what did he lie about?
> When he was stabilized and extubated, doctors began a treatment of two antiparasitic drugs
why the FUCK dont they say which ones?
in addition to this >>14980442
just look at the frame by frame of the plane going through, it's fake.
Look at the clip from below where the camera just happens to pan away right as the plane strikes
The plane story is retarded, anon
if they found human, would they tell you?
I liked living in a smaller town where I could drive to the city if I wanted
nice try f b i