Q said:
Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.
The choice to know will be yours.
There willneverbe a massive declassification
And that is NOT what DECLAS refers to!!!
Much will NEVER be revealed due to the many deals made
Those who dig,
Know there are many MANYMANYleaks
All over the place
And that declassification is ongoing, in drips and DROPS
If you thought that the CIA was a problem
Wait until you learn aboutUNIT 8200
The elite of the elite who infiltrate and control everything including the CIA
Watch The Water
It begins with a trickle (Kalay network)
Grows to a stream
Then becomes a torrent
And finally a flood that nobody can ignore
Offshore Leaks (2013)
Bahamas Leaks (2016)
Panama Papers (2016)
Paradise Papers (2017 & 2018)
And let's not forget the actions of the U.S. Treasury
By Julian Assange
Conspiracy As Governance
Military industrial complex
Unit 8200
The Cabal
Next URL takes you to aMap of Global Corruptionwith names you can search on and links to more info. This Map is continually being updated and right now, info onUnit 8200is being added.
But wait! Just what does DECLAS refer to???
These all caps words are normally acronyms or anagrams
But could be any kind of word play that will lead a researcher to BOOMs
First I though DE is Delaware and CLAS is a College of Liberal Arts & Science
But that didn't fit…
Then I thought that DE is Deutschland
And the Computational Learning for Autonomous Systems
At the Technische Universität Darmstadt
May have stumbled across a kind of AI that could lead to synthetic lifeforms
Such as those created on Coppelius in Star Trek: Picard
But then I learned about a pharma company on the TSX Ventures exchange
With the code CLAS.
They have a drug R-107 that will likely cure COVID
And any other viral infection using Nitric Oxide
Which happens to be a chemical that also cures many cardiovascular conditions
A certain DE Longnecker conducts research on the subject
DE CLAS? You decide. Dig into this using the leads I have given you
Is it criminal for Big Pharmato push their failing obsolete products for high prices
Knowing about the developments with Nitric Oxide
And Japan's one pill Influenza cure?