blm in not a race
He is the head of the board's brown squad
yeah it is like slowly tearing a sheet of paper in half
just another tug and it will be completely ripped apart
blm is not a race
it is a organized criminal political organization that uses propaganda and terrorism to force the agenda driven by communist satanic evil forces, ffs
>Not so many of us left now without a jab.
you have no idea how many people got the jab or didn't and you have no way to prove it
> The shoes & notes represent the amount of children that will exit the district if the mandate becomes a requirement to attend public school.
now someone do a public art piece with a pile of shoes that represent all the innocent people that were murdered by the poisonous inoculation pushed by the criminal deep state
millions of people being fired is starting to seem like the best turn of events. It will end up crippling the evil corporations the people slaved for, and the resilience that is obvious in those that stand by their faith in their freedom of choice and commanding their own destiny will rally to continue on in a new form that will be better. The best is yet to come. It's not build back better.
it's the Best will Build Back
>even though at the time of the event, Grosskreutz was a felon.
fb_ gather motley crew of compromised criminals and use leverage to offer them a clean rap sheet if they participate in an operation sponsored by the deep state
that move is too late for cnn
their viewer base does not want news
it likes the comfy circle jerk echo chamber that
promotes the propaganda they have been brainwashed to believe