My daughter is a RN at a local hospital & this week they started writing their policy to match Biden’s mandate to get the first jab by Dec. 5 & booster by Jan. 5.
She hasn’t got an official notice yet just a email stating they were planning this. She’s asleep right now, I’ll get the email when she gets up.
Definitely a clown
She worked the “covid” floor for a few months and said most were patients were vaccinated already. Most were just old aged.
I washed her scrubs during her working on the covid floor. I didn’t get sick nor did she.
She’s thinking of getting J & J shot and I’m try’n to talk her out of it. Says she wants to get it before the policy comes in play.
I’ve been telling people that the “Bible” would have been [their] first move. Spirituality can not be taught from a book!
What’s the saying “millions will be fooled”?
IMO, it’s the Bible/religion to control the masses and it worked on so many levels.