Vaxx truth is over the target
Why do I know ? Because the muh joos and muh naziees shills are out in force
Vaxx truth is over the target
Why do I know ? Because the muh joos and muh naziees shills are out in force
Good friend and his wife both had the coof, recovered, then got vaxxed, 6 months later the wife complains of back pain, lays down and is dead. How many other survivors will turn into a blood thirsty mob when the truth can no longer be ignored or hidden because the dead are piling up ? How many twenty somethings ded or permanent heart conditions ?
You are correct about the medical association not being the government, the analysis was done by the named analyst with public covid hospitalizations post the senior Dr. of that association making his statement. If you take time to understand japanese culture, that older esteemed Dr. carries more weight than the entire government. While the official government stance is pro vax, you can be sure people are making informed decisions.
5-11 year olds developing myocarditis and pericarditis wil start waking them the fuk up. Most of the ded not autopsied, since heart failure considered normal. The few Autopsies done have shown clot filled bodies and inflamed organs.
Agreed, however the msm narrative and search algorithms are hiding the success of alternate treatments. The few brave like Joe Rogan challenging CNN will not turn the tide. Unfortunately, you can't prove to those responding with emotion that the vax is not great nor that alternatives work.
Look at other countries where HCQ, Azyth, Ivermectin are used.
You will have to dig, the search algos will not show directly. Go to hindustan times, thailand news outlets, pakistan, cameroon.
Even within the countries, it is the local health outlets and governing bodies making a difference.