Anonymous ID: 33dc22 Nov. 23, 2021, 3:21 a.m. No.15062429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2431

BUSTED! UK Gov FUCKS up and puts out real stats, but changes the per 100,000 rate for Covaids.



I guess they either think that people are THAT retarded…forgot to do the ACTUAL math…or can not into mathz.





Okay, so let's see how accurate their mathz is. Page 13.


Table 2. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status between week 37 and week 40 2021

>This is the cases broken down between vaxxed and unvaxxed

Under 18 is the biggest piece. And under 18 are NOT effected by covaids. You will see that later.


Next up is where the mathz gets funky.

There were 60,057 TOTAL cases among 18-29 year olds.

We'll actually be 'polite' and add the Unlinked cases to the *Not vaccinated cases.

If you add 7,683 (unlinked) to 20,547 (unvaxxed) you get 28,230.

>We'll be quick and just subtract the unvaxxed and unlinked combined from the total instead of adding the vaxxed cases up.

If you subtract 28,230 from the total 60,057 you get 31,827 remaining cases among the vaxxed.

28,230 unlinked and unvaxxed cases is less than 31,827 cases among the vaxxed.

Yet, in the categories for TOTAL rates per 100,000 vaxxed and unvaxxed…the numbers are skewed.

The have the rates per 100,000 at 402.6 vaxxed and 605.0 unvaxxed -_-

>Aren't there more cases among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed?

>Why would the unvaxxed have more cases per 100,000 than the vaxxed if there were more cases among the vaxxed?

It's the same for EVERY category. They know that people are lazy and simply TOO FUCKING STUPID to do the math for themselves. And will just focus on their final tally.

Ages 30-39 Total cases 83,007 | Unlinked cases 7,138 | unvaxxed cases 20,532 | = 27,670.

Subtract total among the unvaxxed and the unlinked (27,670) from total cases (83,007) = 55,337 remaining cases among the vaxxed.

Which is 'more than double' the cases among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.

>Means you're 2x more likely to get covaids if you're vaxxed than unvaxxed.

YET, they have the cases per 100,000 at 823.9 for the unvaxxed and 709.8 for the vaxxed.

Odd, isn't it? Odd that the vaxxed are more than 2x succeptable to covaids…yet in the per 100,000 cases…they are less than the unvaxxed.


Ages 80+ is where it is worst in ALL categories.

Ages 80+: 10,770 TOTAL cases 839 Unlinked cases 375 unvaxxed cases.

>We're being REAL NOICE right now by giving them *unlinked cases as they are more than DOUBLE unvaxxed.

839+375 = 1,254 TOTAL cases among the unlinked and unvaxxed. Subtract 1,254 from 10,770 = 9,516 remaining cases among the vaxxed.

9,516 divided by 1,254 = 7.588! You are 7.5x more likely to get covaids if you are 80+ vaxxed than unvaxxed or unlinked.

YET, in the 'rates per 100,000 vaccinated and unvaccinated' category…the totals are 364.6 unvaxxed/unlinked and 298.5 vaxxed.

Odd, how when people 80+ are 7.5x more likely to get covaids…the per 100,000 totals are stating that you're more likely to get it if you're unvaxxed


You can see the pattern. The final per 100,000 cases was modified to make the unvaxxed appear as if they were the problem.

Putting the math into words takes up too much time to stay in 1 section.

Anonymous ID: 33dc22 Nov. 23, 2021, 3:21 a.m. No.15062431   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Moving along. Im going to skip the hospitalasation category, i'll leave that for your own research and move straight to the death category.

>Page 15

>Table 4. COVID-19 deaths (a) within 28 days and (b) within 60 days of positive specimen or with COVID-19 reported

on death certificate, by vaccination status between week 37 and week 40 2021

Ages under 18.

There were 4 deaths! Out of the 348,514 cases…there were '4 TOTAL deaths'. 3 of them…were unvaxxed. Kids are more likely to die from the common flu.

Rate of death per 100,000…0.0 unvaxxed and 0.0 vaxxed. YET, they want your kids to take a vaxx that they DON'T need.


Ages 18-29

There were 19 TOTAL cases. 1 unlinked and 12 unvaxxed. Total of 13 deaths…out of 60,057 TOTAL cases.

There were 6 deaths among the vaxxed.


Ages 40-49 here's where it gets funky

There were 64 total deaths. Out of 111,896 TOTAL cases. 34 were unlinked and unvaxxed. 30…were vaxxed.

Yet again…when you go to the rates among the vaxxed and unvaxxed per 100,000 category it's 0.4 vaxxed and 2.0 unvaxxed.

Odd, when you're just as likely to get it vaxxed and unvaxxed. There were 4 more cases unvaxxed vs vaxxed, nearly equal.


Ages 50-59.

There were 203 TOTAL deaths. Out of 74,981 TOTAL cases. 104 were unlinked and unvaxxed. That's 99 remaining deaths among the vaxxed. 4 less than unvaxxed and unlinked combined.

YET, when you get to the rates of death comparison among the vaxxed vs unvaxxed it's 1.2 vaxxed and 9.9 unvaxxed

Odd, when the rate of death is actually equal, isn't it?

~Here is where it gets FUCKED UP


Ages 60-69

There were 378 total deaths. Out of 38,184 TOTAL cases. 115 of those, were unvaxxed and unlinked. 263 deaths, were vaxxed.

Means that you're +3 times more likely to die with covid between 60-69 vaxxed…than unvaxxed.

YET, when you get to the rates among unvaxxed/unlinked and vaxxed per 100,000 category…the numbers are 4.2 vaxxed 20.2 unvaxxed/unlinked

Odd, you're +3x more likely to die with the vaxx…yet…per 100,000 is 5x lower.


It get's worse…


Ages 70-79

726 Total deaths. Out of 23,109 TOTAL cases. Of those deaths…118 were unlinked/unvaxxed. 608 deaths…were vaxxed.

You're +5x more likely to die between 70-70 vaxxed vs unvaxxed.

YET, when you get to the rates per 100,000 vaxxed vs unlinked/unvaxxed category the totals are 12.7 vaxxed 47.2 unvaxxed

Odd, when you're 5x more likely to die from covid with the vaxx…that unvaxxed death total is 4x higher…isn't it?

~Here is the worst of it…


Ages 80+

There were 1,382 total deaths. Out of 10,770 TOTAL cases. Of those 1,382 deaths…167 were unvaxxed/unlinked. 1,382 - 167 = 1,215 remaining deaths among the vaxxed.

Means you're +7 times more likely to die from covid vaxxed vs unvaxxed/unlinked.

YET, when you get to the rates per 100,000 vaxxed vs unvaxxed/unlinked category…the totals are 45.9 vaxxed 128.1 unvaxxed/unlinked

Odd, when you're 7 times more likely to die over 80 vaxxed vs unvaxxed…the total is slanted 2.5/1 in the death category for unvaxxed vs vaxxed.


Conclusion. The vaccines are both spreading the viri and killing people disproportionately. ESPECIALLY elders.