little 8200 unit faggots pushing the 6 gorillion lie again
everybody do the shekel dance
and everybody supporting the pig fucker is a faggot ass kike shill
little 8200 unit faggots pushing the 6 gorillion lie again
everybody do the shekel dance
and everybody supporting the pig fucker is a faggot ass kike shill
please go on with your stupidity you kike nigger
ask BV to run the ip hash and see if i hop
lying fuck
take your holohoax bullshit and shove it up your ass with "muh 6 million gassed"
find ONE official order from the nsdap saying to deliberately exterminate jews you fucking kike shill
you can't
there is a direct order, however, to lower the fucking death rates caused by starvation on typhus due to allied bombings destroying the railways
now neck yourself and fuck off shill
imagine being so utterly pathetic you larp as a fucking cat persona on an img board
holy shit i couldn't even fathom living such a shitty existence
enjoy the toxoplasmosis, fag
yea because everyone knows it's only the person responding to you that's triggered and not the other way around, right?
weak ass attempt at psychological manipulation
your handlers couldn't have picked a worse person to run your .exe
>pig post
>that's not a recon post, that's a muhjew shill post.png
both of you go fuck yourselves
nothing shows the clear discord trannie op quite like exposing a pig post
>don't forget to spend 15+ hours a day on the same img board, creating an online persona of playing good cop/bad cop to gain a following in order to be leaders of the consensus building and have 10 other people in our discord propping your posts up