Anonymous ID: 337e43 May 21, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.1500872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0908 >>1530

Mind-boggling quantum physics experiment could help scientists pinpoint the location of particles that appear to exist in several different places at once


It is a conundrum that has long perplexed physicists: how can a single particle appear to be in more than one place or state at once?


The phenomenon, known as a superposition, plays a significant role in quantum mechanics, but has proven extremely challenging to decipher.


While experiments may be able to induce a superposition, scientists are yet unable to actually measure it; doing so causes the superposition to ‘collapse.’


Now, researchers from Israel and Japan have devised an experiment that they say could finally help get to the bottom of the mystery.


In a superposition, photons – or, particles of light – appear to be able to interact with themselves to be in ‘two places at once.’


By the classic scenario, this means that if a single photon were fired at a barrier containing two parallel slits, it would somehow pass through both at the same time, Scientific American explains.


And, testing this is just as baffling as the phenomenon itself.


‘We know something fishy is going on in a superposition,’ physicist Avshalom Elitzur of the Israeli Institute for Advanced Research told Scientific American.


‘But you’re not allowed to measure it. This is what makes quantum mechanics so diabolical.’



Read more: http://

Anonymous ID: 337e43 May 21, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.1500935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957


Robots can now grow human organs

By Raquel Laneri May 21, 2018 | 2:48pm | Updated


Is there anything robots can’t do? They can perform our jobs, get periods and now . . . grow human organs.


Scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine have developed an automated system that uses robots to produce human mini-organs from stem cells. According to Science Daily, the ability to mass produce “organoids” promises to expand the use of mini-organs in basic research and drug discovery.


“This is a new ‘secret weapon’ in our fight against disease,” the university’s Benjamin Freedman tells Science Daily.


Before, scientists would grow cells for biomedical research by culturing them into flat sheets. But these were too simplistic to truly mimic the ways true cells behaved. More recently, researchers have had some success growing these cells into more complex, and three-dimensional, structures called mini-organs.


This new development, however, allows them to produce these organoids at a rapid pace. It’s the first time researchers have been able to mass-produce these mini-organs from stem cells.


“Ordinarily, just setting up an experiment of this magnitude would take a researcher all day, while the robot can do it in 20 minutes,” Freedman tells Science Daily. “On top of that, the robot doesn’t get tired and make mistakes. . . . There’s no question — for repetitive, tedious tasks like this, robots do a better job than humans.”



Anonymous ID: 337e43 May 21, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.1501052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1293

The capsule that could one day carry humans to Mars: Elon Musk shares stunning image of SpaceX's Crew Dragon ship in test chamber dubbed 'the quietest place on Earth'


SpaceX is still moving full speed ahead in its plans to one day ferry humans to Mars.


Billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk recently shared a new photo of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft on his Twitter and Instagram accounts undergoing crucial tests.


The photo shows the Dragon capsule and its 'trunk,' which stores additional cargo and support systems, as they underwent electromagnetic interference tests.


As part of the test, the spacecraft is placed in a sound-absorbing anechoic chamber to make sure that its electrical systems are in good condition.


Anechoic chambers are specially designed rooms that completely absorb reflections of sound or electromagnetic waves and have been described as 'the quietest place on earth', similar to the environment you'd encounter in space.


Following the tests, the Crew Dragon ship will be sent to NASA's Plum Brook Station facility in Cleveland, Ohio, Musk explained in the post.


The Plum Brook facility hosts the world's largest vacuum chamber, where spacecraft undergo tests to see if they can outlast an environment similar to the vacuum of space.

Unlike previous iterations of the Dragon crew capsule, this version is built to carry humans to the red planet.


It's completely autonomous and can ferry up to seven humans to the moon or the International Space Station (ISS).


Anonymous ID: 337e43 May 21, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.1501364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan Freaks Out Over POTUS Trump’s Demand DOJ Investigate Illegal Obama-Era Political Spying

Posted on May 21, 2018 by DCWhispers


Read more at http://


Weeks earlier D.C. Whispers shared with readers information that indicated John Brennan’s name was soon to be front and center in the Deep State’s manufactured Trump investigation fiasco.


That time has arrived in the form of a full-on freakout by the former CIA Director who went so far as to threaten House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell if they don’t do something to stop President Trump.


It is a bizarre public post with clear threatening implications on the D.C. Establishment that has a man who likely holds many dark secrets on many powerful figures that if they don’t protect him from President Trump there will be hell to pay.


It also goes beyond Brennan. His public desperation to get the Trump administration to back off from investigating 2016 Election wrongdoing by the Deep State is likely due to immense pressure from the Obama Machine to protect the former president at all cost. This is yet another facet of this scandal that has been outlined regularly via multiple D.C. Whispers reports and now just today it appears at least some among the Mainstream Media are finally willing to include Mr. Obama’s participation in what may very well be the single greatest political scandal in U.S. political history. Check out this headline from The Wall Street Journal:



Where in the World Was Barack Obama?

Somehow the former commander-in-chief is largely absent from the political spying drama.


The war between the Obama-era Deep State and Donald Trump is entering another phase – one that has for the first time real light being shined upon the dark and dank corners of status-quo corruption that has been decimating the principles of the American freedom and democracy for far too long. Brennan is hoping that status-quo will come to his (and Barack Obama’s) defense.


He could be right. Let us hope he’s wrong.

Anonymous ID: 337e43 May 21, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.1501408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS Trump Calls Out Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan Directly; It’s Open War On The Swamp

Posted on May 21, 2018 by DCWhispers


Read more at http://


After Obama-era CIA Director, John Brennan threatened both Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan if they didn’t do something to stop the President from investigating illegal Obama regime 2016 Election meddling President Trump delivered a hard right jab that landed in the center of Brennan’s now panicked Deep State face.


Hold on tight America. The war that has Trump and his millions of supporters doing battle with the Deep State has entered a new and even more unpredictable phase.