Anonymous ID: e6f666 May 21, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.1500783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stanley Huggins – June 23, 1994

Stanley Huggins died in a plane crash June 23, 1994. The NTSB never released the results of their investigation. Huggins was the lead investigator looking into Madison Guaranty, which was run by James McDougal (number 20 in part 1). Here is the Clinton connection: Madison Guaranty made a number of bad loans, which led to McDougal being convicted of 18 felony counts of fraud conspiracy. Madison Guaranty was partnered with non-other than Whitewater Development Corporation (Whitewater scandal) owned partly by the Clintons. Madison Guaranty and McDougal hired Rose Law Firm to defend them, the law firm that employed Hillary Clinton who was their defense attorney. Another scandal arose from this when Mrs. Clinton’s billing records went missing, sound familiar?

Anonymous ID: e6f666 May 21, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.1501121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Herschel Friday – March 1, 1994

Friday died when his plane exploded in mid-air on March 1, 1994. He was an Arkansas bond attorney and owner of Friday, Eldredge, & Clark, LLP. He was once considered for an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court by Richard Nixon. He was involved in investigating Whitewater.

Anonymous ID: e6f666 May 21, 2018, 8:35 p.m. No.1501156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1185 >>1188 >>1226

Kevin Ives and Don Henry – August 23, 1987

Ives and Henry are best known as “The Boys on the Tracks.” They had gone out the night before to go deer hunting in the deep woods of Arkansas, but both boys were found dead on the tracks after having been run over by a train on August 23, 1987. Fahmy Malak, the Arkansas State Medical Examiner appointed by Bill Clinton quickly ruled the deaths “accidental,” citing they use of marijuana for their likely being “asleep on the tracks” at the time of their death. Ives’ mother challenged the finding and a grand jury requested the bodies be exhumed and the deaths investigated. A second autopsy showed that Ives had been beaten with the butt of a rifle, and Henry had been stabbed multiple times in the back prior to being placed on the tracks. The area where they had been was a known drug air-drop zone for smugglers (like Barry Seal).

Clinton was pressured to review the mishandling of evidence in the first findings so he called in pathologists from out-of-state to review Examiner Malak’s findings as well as the lab where the autopsies had been conducted. Once the results were in, Clinton refused to release those results even after the grand jury tried to subpoena them, stating that their involvement was to evaluate job performance, not give a second opinion, furthering suspicion that the boys had likely been at the wrong place and the wrong time and witnessed a drug transaction (think Mena).

There were two witnesses in the case who never were able to share their testimony on the stand. One woman said she witnessed the boys being beaten by two men in uniform, looking like police officers, and then shoved into a truck and driven in the direction of the train tracks. The second witness was the train conductor, who claimed to have seen a green tarp over the bodies as they approached, but it was gone by the time they went back to look. The conductor also noted the way the bodies were positioned on the tracks was not as if they had just passed out there, but rather that someone had placed them there. There were also rumors of an unidentified man loitering in the area wearing military fatigues, however it was never confirmed.

Anonymous ID: e6f666 May 21, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.1501181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1395

Keith Coney – May 17, 1988

Coney died on May 17, 1988 when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a semi-truck during a high-speed chase. Coney said he had information on the cases of Ives and Henry, claiming that he had been with the boys when they were attacked.

Anonymous ID: e6f666 May 21, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.1501226   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1501185 (formatted for screencaps)


Saved post from this board from months ago.

Six days ago, a source of mine unexpectedly emailed me a treasure trove of data. So far as I know, it was the last thing he did before committing murder-suicide.

P.S. Ruckman Jr., who went by the twitter handle @pardonpower, was a leading expert on the presidential pardon power and clemency in general.

One of the things that made him such an authority was that he had painstakingly assembled, through countless hours of work at the National Archives, a comprehensive database of every pardon, commutation, respite and reprieve ever granted back to George Washington.

That data helped give me historical context for a number of stories I wrote about President Obama's use of his clemency power, for which I received the @PresGeraldRFord Foundation Award for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency last year.

It was a great data set, and many times I asked if he wouldn't mind sharing it. But he said he was working on a book about the history of pardons and didn't want to release the data until that project was complete.

i kept in touch from time to time. Last year, when President Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio and people argued that it was unprecedented to pardon someone for contempt of court, Ruckman sent me a list of dozens of people pardoned for contempt back to President John Adams.

Still, I was a little surprised last Wednesday, when he emailed me the entire database – in separate spreadsheets for each presidential administration, more than 30,000 records in all. "Would want you to have this and use freely," he wrote.

I emailed him back right away, saying I was on deadline but would call him later. When he didn't call me back by Monday, I got worried. I checked his web site and Twitter feed. Then I googled him.

According to this @rrstar story, police found his body – and that of his two boys, aged 12 and 14 – at his home on Saturday, three days after the emails. The boys hadn't been in school since Wednesday.

Sheriff's department investigates double murder-suicide at home of RVC professor P.S. Ruckman Jr.

Two boys and their father were found dead in their bedrooms from gunshot wounds Saturday morning in what authorities are investigating as a murder-suicide about three miles south of Cherry Valley. T…

I called the Winnebago County Sheriff, in case the emails help to establish his intent, or the timeline. Obviously, there are a lot of questions left unanswered, and the investigation continues.

I never met him in person, and can't presume to know what went so terribly wrong. I do know he was proud of his sons. Last year, he sent me a Youtube video of his 7th grader playing the National Anthem on guitar at a high school basketball game.

I also got the impression that his passion for the subject of pardons was rooted in fundamental Christian values of redemption and forgiveness. Tonight I'm struggling to reconcile those ideals with such an unpardonable act.

I'm not sure what I'll do with the data. He did important work, which now seems tainted. I do pray that God has mercy on his soul, and especially on the souls of his innocent sons.

Thank you for listening.

Anonymous ID: e6f666 May 21, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.1501257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Keith McKaskle - November 10, 1988

McKaskle died of 113 stab wounds on election night, November 10, 1988. He too, claimed to have information about the deaths of Ives and Henry, stating that he knew his life was in jeopardy because of it. He said his goodbyes to friends and family that evening before heading to a local bar called the Wagon Wheel. Once there, he is said to have laid two pennies on the bar and telling the bartender “If Jim Steed loses the election, my life won’t be worth these two cents.” He was killed that night after leaving the bar having had no altercations at the bar according to witnesses. For reference, Jim Steed was the Sheriff in Saline County where Ives and Henry were murdered.

Anonymous ID: e6f666 May 21, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.1501303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gregory Collins - January 1989

Collins died of a gunshot wound in January, 1989 after also claiming to have information on the Ives/Henry case.