That's so fucking wrong it's right.
I've always felt vaguely unsettled around snake eaters higher than O-3. Don't trust 'em. Double whammy if they're Hudson High ring-knockers.
If you talk to the average native normie mick, they practically cum when they talk about how happy they are to be ruled by the EU. It's deep cultural spite for the Brits. They're kind of like Democrats, completely opposed to whatever the Brits are for. Cutting off their noses to spite their face.
Now that's fucking funny. I just choked on a rip and spilled bong water on the cat.
Nancy Pants is more toxic than a Mumbai men's room. Killery appointment would start a civil war. They're grooming Bootygiggity to take Mocha Hillary's spot.
60 is the new 45. I'll bet you'd be hard pressed to find a real hardcore militia nutter under the age of 50.
Kek. 1st Volunteer Dyke Light Infantry Regiment