>>15026510 pb
The absurdity and inanity increases exponentially day by day. Our federal government in Washington DC is irreparably corrupt and broken by any objective measure. The "States" created the federal government and as Thomas Jefferson stated in our Declaration of Independence:
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to
them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness".
The "States" have all the power. A Convention of States to Amend the Constitution is going to be the only way this Leviathan gets reigned in. One irrefutable fact is, they are not going to do it themselves.
33 states are needed. 14 or 15 have already passed resolutions calling for the CoS. Folks, it's either this or let's go ahead and get the show on the raod with 1776 2.0. The hubris of these people is beyond comprehension and what's even more absurd is that we are allowing it.
Here is the website and anons in every state need to call their state representatives and demand that your state passes a resolution calling for the CoS.
If you are not familiar with this, go to the website and educate yourself on this Article V process. There will be those with their hair on fire screaming "Runaway Constitution". Those that proclaim that ain't got one fucking clue as to what they are talking about OR…………they are just fine with the way things are. This is something REAL & TANGIBLE that every single anon on this board can and must DO if we are legally and Constitutionally going to save this Republic. The fucking Mmilitary ain't gonna do it.
It's up to US.