LIe, lie often and lie with confidence. She'll be working on that today.
"We are currently not under the same circumstances that the nation was in then. We were totally absent of leadership at that time. The former administration was cruel, and shortsighted and put in place racist policies that put or nation at risk and undermined the values that we endure to hold ourselves to. I'll have to circle back to that once I have moar information for you Peter".
Or something along those lines. The fact is, the democrat/communist machine doesn't care if they are caught being hypocrites, liars. They just move on to the next lie. They are void of conscious, shame or humility. The people who realize what pieces of shit these people are they could give two fucks about. It's two groups that they're interested in. The ones who condone and tacitly approve of the deceptiions and lies and the others who don't know any better and take at face value, the propaganda.