>>15100708 lb
>Pres. Biden on Omicron variant: "I expect the new normal to be, everyone ends up getting vaccinated and the booster shot.”
The guy is a sicko!
>>15100708 lb
>Pres. Biden on Omicron variant: "I expect the new normal to be, everyone ends up getting vaccinated and the booster shot.”
The guy is a sicko!
>Oh my god, Twitter gets a new racist CEO and now this is the shit we have to deal with.
Send them back to their 8 1/2" x 11" existence.
>But Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926. So that would make her 95 years old today.
She looks pretty good for 95.
>But Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926. So that would make her 95 years old today.
You never met a person you knew decades ago who hadn't aged at all?
>There are nude photos of a Congressperson that her primary opponent plans on releasing in the first quarter of next year. The photos are more akin to Hustler rather than Playboy.