Isn’t it obvious Bannon is Q?
Is anyone streaming the audio from Ghislaine’s trial?
I love this image
It’s going to be biblical. Maxwell Defense opening statement:
"Ever since eve was accused of tempting Adam for the apple, women have been blamed for the bad behavior of men and women are often villainized and punished more than the men ever are."
>There are nude photos of a Congressperson that her primary opponent plans on releasing in the first quarter of next year. The photos are more akin to Hustler rather than Playboy.
>Let the guessing begin!
That is revenge porn, so this is a lie.
Never understood why people followed this faggot larper.
Which reminds me.
Who was the asshole that promised Adam Schiff gay porn?
Then tweeted out some dude eating out a black dudes ass.
Where’s the guy that tweeted that out now?
Probably od’ing on oc’s.
That’s where.