We all know the vaccine is the mark of the beast.
the question is no longer what will befall the wicked
but how can the righteous be saved
We all know the vaccine is the mark of the beast.
the question is no longer what will befall the wicked
but how can the righteous be saved
the vaccine is in every single way the mark of the
it only goes into the arm because if it were to
immediately be placed in the hand and forehead,
there would be no basis for willful distribution.
Rather, when the 3 days of darkness happens,
the 1st Resurrection Rapture, the Transformation
in the Blink of an Eye, the Fall of the 2nd Veil.
The Seperation of the Wheat from the Tare,
when the sun rises at night, and the moon is
made to appear in the sixth hour. When the
false prophet arrives to confirm his covenant
in the midst of the week, when the twowitnesses
/branch are dead for 3 and 1/2 days. When the
Wedding Supper of the Lamb happens, when
God and Jesus Christ and the Bride Leave,
when the Great Tribulation begins, when Lightning
Strikes from East to West. All in one week
A Week to remember
then the devil will carve his name into their hand, and their leg, and their forhead.
Even vaxed servants of Christ. God sent a 2nd Comforter, and his 144,000 Elect of
the Twelve Tribes. The Godhead Incarnate, and it is written that they incarnated in
this period in time for exactly this purpose, that they are all Prophets. Many Called,
Few Chosen. In Isaiahs Prophecy, the 12 Tribes are United in the West. I can show
you the scripture to prove that.
Seth Rich = Keystone = Declass = End
Everything has Meaning
Everything has Double Meaning
If America Falls, the World Falls.
Saving Israel for Last.
Israel United the 12 Tribes
in Isaiah, in the Last Days,
in the West. Thats the
Surname God Gave
Me. Isaiah 44:5
You Have More than you Know
We Have it All
Symbolism will be their downfall
there is a cure for the mark of the beast
The 2nd Comforter, the two witnesses, the
son of man, the elect one, israel, ariel, the fig
tree, the olive trees, and the elect plant of
they have the Name nobody knows saving he
who recieves it. For the Rightoues and Elect,
a Covenant. For the Sinners, an Inquisition.
There is a Plan to Save the World
We Have the Keystone
Name Nobody Knows no name
victory over the Mark of the beast, and the # of his Name
Name Nobody Knows mar of the beast
Engraved in the Stone
Given to the Overcomer
Shown before the Branch
If America Falls the World Falls
Save the Children
Save America
Save the World