It's in full Shut It Down! mode and will remain as such until the Not Guilty fix is officially announced.
It's in full Shut It Down! mode and will remain as such until the Not Guilty fix is officially announced.
CEO Street-Shitter has already declared the First Amendment to be an outdated racist concept.
Apparently he thinks even @Jack wasn't commie enough.
I Dream of Midget Jeanie
You need to start grading on the 12PM-6PM EST curve.
When Jim-n-Crip kiss and make up so someone that can code an image board the correct way can go back under the hood.
You LinFags gonna stay big mad now forever?
Astute dub-naughts
>Don't assume I'm a LinFag
>Lin would never be like Flynn tho
Yep, LinFags gonna be big mad now from here on out.
LinFag, you have a decent point there.
LinFag, it looks you forgot to take your blood pressure medicine today.
It certainly doesn't diminish that in the apples-n-oranges way you describe.
But, ever since Kyle and his mom claimed Lin was a scam artist he's gone on a full scorched earth campaign showing of all the douches in famefag land he's now the undisputed champion.