Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:02 p.m. No.15101908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2164 >>2263 >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers In 10 States


"Defendants shall immediately cease all implementation or enforcement of the Interim Final Rule with Comment Period as to any Medicare- and Medicaid-certified providers and suppliers"


Judge Matthew Schelp of the Eastern District of Missouri has issued a preliminary injunction for workers at Medicare- and Medicaid-certified medical facilities in Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nebraska, Wyoming, and North and South Dakota. The court’s decision deals a serious blow to left-wing activists’ claims that workers can be forced to take the vaccine booster shots.


The judge’s order states, “IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Defendants are preliminarily enjoined from the implementation and enforcement of 86 Fed. Reg. 61,555 (Nov. 5, 2021), the Interim Final Rule with Comment Period entitled “Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Omnibus COVID–19 Health Care Staff Vaccination,” against any and all Medicare– and Medicaid–certified providers and suppliers within the States of Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming pending a trial on the merits of this action or until further order of this Court.“


“Defendants shall immediately cease all implementation or enforcement of the Interim Final Rule with Comment Period as to any Medicare– and Medicaid–certified providers and suppliers within the States of Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming,’ the court added.


The Biden regime’s attempt to enforce vaccine mandates on companies with over 100 employees has also ran into a roadblock, as previously reported by National File:


On its website, OSHA now offers a disclaimer above any additional information: “On November 12, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a motion to stay OSHA’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard, published on November 5, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 61402) (“ETS”).”


The regulatory body explains, “The court ordered that OSHA ‘take no steps to implement or enforce’ the ETS ‘until further court order.’” Accordingly, “OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS pending future developments in the litigation.”

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:03 p.m. No.15101913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2164 >>2263 >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

Nearly One Third of US Employees in Health Sector Remain Unvaccinated: CDC


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed in an analysis that about 30 percent of health care workers in the United States remain unvaccinated against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.


According to the CDC analysis that was published in the American Journal of Infection Control on Nov. 17, Hannah Reses, a member of the CDC team that conducted the analysis, revealed that the vaccination rate among health workers “rose steadily” from December through April before slowing down again.


The analysis looked at data reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 2,086 facilities across the United States, involving more than 3.3 million employees.


Professionals employed in hospitals treating children had the highest vaccination rate—about 77 percent. The lowest was found among critical-access hospitals—about 64 percent. Other facilities included employees in short-term acute-care hospitals and long-term acute-care hospitals, where about 30 percent in both sectors remain unvaccinated.


Between January and April this year, the vaccination rate among health care professionals (HCP) increased from 36 percent to 60 percent before slowing down, reaching 70 percent as of September, the analysis shows.


“Our analysis revealed that vaccine coverage among U.S. hospital-based HCP stalled significantly after initial uptake,” Reses said in the statement. “Additional efforts are needed now to improve HCP vaccine coverage and reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to patients and other hospital staff,” she added.


The reasons HCP refuse to get vaccinated against the CCP virus, which causes the disease SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, was found in surveys to be related to the shots efficacy, adverse effects, and the speed of its development.


“HCP who did not want to be vaccinated often reported low trust in regulatory authorities and the government,” the CDC analysis stated, citing surveys.


The analysis did not include all the facilities in the HHS Unified Hospital Data Surveillance System, which amounts to more than 5,000. It only used information from 2,086 facilities, or 41.0 percent, who had reported comprehensive data to the HHS.


Earlier this month, more than a dozen U.S. states sued President Joe Biden over his administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers, challenging its legality. Biden administration officials have expressed confidence in the mandate and others like it ultimately prevailing against legal challenges.


The deadline for HCP in the United States to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is Jan. 4, 2022. There is no testing opt-out, unlike the mandate on private employers that are currently blocked by the courts.

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:04 p.m. No.15101922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1944 >>1945 >>2010 >>2164 >>2263 >>2302 >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

No Vax, No Food/Fuel in India – Food Withheld to Force Vaccinations


“Police won’t enforce the mandates!” … but they won’t need to, as groceries and fuel are being withheld from those who fail to get their shots in Aurangabad, India.


As Henry Kissinger warned, “Control food, and you control people.” Christian breaks down this development and the plan to incrementally restrict access to food and basic services everywhere.


Protests aren’t helping; instead, build gardens, new healthcare, energy, and communications systems, and GET OFF the toxic systems of control.

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.15101991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2164 >>2263 >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

The Biden Grift-and-Influence Machine Is Even Worse Than You Thought


In her new book, Laptop from Hell, Miranda Devine describes a Biden grift-and-influence machine dirtier than most people could imagine — because the mainstream media sat on the story of Hunter Biden’s juicy laptop until well after the election.


Due out on Tuesday, Devine’s explosive revelations come from the very laptop that Biden had accidentally abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in 2019, apparently due to his drug use.


The press (with a big assist from social media) buried the story, slapping the Fake News banner on it and — during a heated election — prevented an open and honest discussion of the facts.


Certainly because of revelations like these:


Chinese energy firm chairman gifted Hunter Biden an $80,000 diamond after he agreed to help expand the business by making ‘introductions’ for $10MILLION a year

More emails in ‘laptop from Hell’ show Joe Biden was expecting 10% cut in Hunter deal with Chinese giant


Here’s the crucial expert from Devine’s book:


As [Joe Biden’s brother] Jim talked, [Hunter’s business partner Tony] Bobulinski marveled at the political risk to Joe’s career if his family’s flagrant influence peddling during his vice presidency came to light.


“How are you guys getting away with this?” he finally asked. “Aren’t you concerned that you’re going to put your brother’s [2020] presidential campaign at risk? You know, the Chinese, the stuff that you guys have been doing already in 2015 and 2016, around the world?”


Jim chuckled and looked knowingly at Bobulinski.


“Plausible deniability,” he said, using a term of art coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to describe the practice of keeping the president uninformed about illegal or unsavory activity so he can plausibly deny he knows anything if it becomes public knowledge.


The deal in question involved SinoHawk Holdings LLC, established in 2017 with $10 million in Communist Chinese seed money. Ownership of the firm was split 50/50 between two Delaware shell companies.

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:17 p.m. No.15102048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2137 >>2164 >>2263 >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

'Partner In Crime': Maxwell Prosecution Opens With Sordid Details Of Epstein Sexual Predation


Update (1615ET): The prosecution opened its case against Ghislaine Maxwell on Monday, beginning with a disturbing tale of how the British Socialite and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein recruited underage victims for sexual predation.


As Matthew Russell Lee blogged for the Inner City Press:


AUSA Pomerantz: There were times she was in the room when it happened. That is why we are here today. Between 1994 and 2004 the defendant sexually exploited young girls. She preyed on them and served them up to be sexually abused. She was trafficking kids for sex ..He owned a ranch in New Mexico, an apartment in Paris, a mansion in Manhattan, Palm Beach, a private island. Epstein has private planes and pilots. The defendant got to enjoy that luxury right along with Epstein.


The defendant was the lady of the house. She imposed rules. Employees were to hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing. There was a culture of silence. That was by design. The defendant's design. They had a play book: get access, gain trust. They often targeted the daughters of single mothers, struggling to make ends meet. They made these girls feel seen. But that was a cover.


To get the girls to touch Epstein, they used the cover of massage. The defendant massaged Epstein then told the girls to do it. Epstein brought girls into his massage room every single day. It was sexual abuse. Before I describe those so-called massages, let me say: these are the facts. Epstein touched the teenage girls with equipment… He sometimes penetrated… The defendant helped Epstein find those girls, for so-called massages. They lured their victims with a promise of a brighter future then destroyed their lives. The defendant was jet-setting in private planes.


So what happened to Jane? You will hear from her. Someone from Epstein's office invited her to Epstein's house. He told her mother he was offering a scholarship. Jane was 14 - a kid. Epstein was in his early 40s, the defendant in her early 30s. Jane traveled to New York to Epstein's mansion, where he abused her. She was not the only one. You will learn about multiple girls during the course of this trial. You will learn about a 16 year old girl who traveled to the ranch in New Mexico.


The defendant told the girl she was going to give her a massage. But she touched her elsewhere. The girl was 16 years old. There's a 17 year old, spotted in a parking lot. The driver pulled over. [Maxwell puts on her glasses and jots down notes]


They moved beyond scholarships and moved on to a pyramid scheme of abuse. They encouraged girls to bring other girls, for extra cash. The defendant knew exactly what she was doing. That's what we expect the evidence will show. You'll hear about a fund that paid millions to the victims of Jeffrey Epstein. But you will learn that these victims would have paid anything to have this not have happened to them. You will hear from relatives. You will hear from staff members.


Maxwell's lawyer Bobbi Sternheim then spoke - opening with: "Ever since Eve, women have been blamed for the evil deeds of men. Ghislaine Maxwell is not Jeffrey Epstein or any of the other men, moguls and media giants who abuse women."

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:31 p.m. No.15102159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2263 >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

Former South Bay Executive Sentenced to Nearly Three Years in Federal Prison for Insider Trading and Securities Fraud

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:44 p.m. No.15102240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2263 >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

Biden Regime Quietly Tells Federal Agencies to Suspend Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate For Federal Workers Until After Holidays While Publicly Pressuring “The World” To Take Experimental Jab


Even with the ‘recent discovery’ of a new Covid-19 strain that is supposedly “a variant of concern” according to the WHO, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget is telling federal agencies behind the scenes that they should refrain from suspending or firing federal workers who have not complied with Biden’s authoritarian vaccine mandate until the holidays are over.


According to a memo obtained by ABC News, the enforcement delay should last for the next 6 weeks, which would allow federal workers to keep their jobs until sometime in January. The new policy has not yet been publicly announced and comes at the same time the Biden regime is using the federal government to compel private employers to adopt and enforce vaccine mandates of their own – especially with the advent of the ‘newly discovered’ Covid variant Omicron.


Biden was even trotted out to the podium earlier today to cry wolf and stoke the media’s flames about the “danger” Omicron poses, mumbling something about needing to vaccinate the entire world in order to save humanity from a virus that has an overall 99.5-99.9% recovery rate – a la the flu.


Apparently when Biden says “the world” he doesn’t mean workers in the federal government.


Because just like earlier strains of the manufactured China virus, it only poses a risk at certain times, in certain places, or for certain political reasons. Omicron will apparently leave you alone for the next few weeks if you are a federal worker, but it is deadly right now for anyone else out there – so take your vaccines, ScIeNcE says it’s for your health!


Once again: rules for thee’ but not for me.


From ABC News:


“This change, which has not yet been publicly announced, comes as Joe Biden is putting pressure on private employers to embrace their own vaccine mandates.


Ninety-two percent of federal workers have already had at least one vaccine dose, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The federal workforce’s compliance rate stands at 96.5%, meaning employees have had at least one vaccine dose or have a pending or approved exception or extension request.”


Essentially, Biden is using the media-induced panic over the new variant to push vaccines and booster shots, but the woke regime is singing a different tune for their federal workers.


What a disgrace.

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:48 p.m. No.15102259   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Daniel Andrews secures crucial vote to pass his controversial pandemic bill - after minister claimed the hardline powers were essential to deal with the Omicron mutant super-variant


Bill would give the premier and health minister the power to declare a pandemic

Andrews government minister says bill needs to pass to keep Victorians safe

Mr Andrews has secured independent MP's vote to get the bill over the line

All international arrivals into Victoria have to isolate for 72 hours due to Omicron


Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is one step closer to passing his controversial pandemic bill after securing the crucial vote of an independent MP.


Transport Matters MP Rod Barton will vote in favour of the Pandemic Management Bill as long as Mr Andrews agrees to have his public health orders reviewed by a parliamentary committee, The Herald Sun reported.


The pair agreed the committee will need to be chaired by a crossbench or Opposition MP to make sure it is independent from the state's ruling party.


The bill would give the premier the right to declare a pandemic and enforce lockdown restrictions - powers that so far only lie with the chief health officer.


Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan on Monday said the emergence of the new hyper-contagious Omicron strain justified the need for the new legislation.


'Negotiations are continuing and are likely to continue for the next couple of days,' Ms Allan said.


'What we've seen over the last 24 to 48 hours with the emergence of the Omicron strain of the virus is that more than ever, we need this modern pandemic framework to keep Victorians safe.'


Mr Andrews has also reportedly agreed to let an independent panel review pandemic detention decisions made by the government to secure Mr Barton's vote.

Anonymous ID: 6b203f Nov. 29, 2021, 1:52 p.m. No.15102273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2340 >>2408 >>2437 >>2576

'Laptop from Hell' Affirms Joe Biden Is the 'Big Man,' Expected 10% Cut from Deal with Chinese Giant


The New York Post’s October 2020 bombshell report of emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop should have upended the presidential election and delivered victory to then-President Donald Trump over Joe Biden.


Because of the corrupt legacy media acting in cahoots with Big Tech, however, the story and the damage it would have inflicted on the Democratic presidential nominee were largely contained.


The New York Post has been publishing excerpts from a forthcoming book that details the information gleaned from the notorious laptop.


The latest passage from “Laptop from Hell” by Post columnist Miranda Devine focuses on Joe and Hunter Biden’s involvement in a business deal with a Chinese company that was closely tied to the Chinese Communist Party from which the family expected to profit handsomely.


It affirms earlier reports that our current president was “the Big Guy” implicated in the emails found on his son’s laptop and that he was expecting a 10 percent cut from the deal.


The excerpt published Monday begins May 2, 2017, in the bar of the Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, California, where Hunter, his Uncle Jim (Joe Biden’s younger brother) and new business partner Tony Bobulinski sit waiting for Joe Biden to show up. The purpose of the meeting is for Joe Biden to “vet” Bobulinski, a third-generation Navy veteran and Democratic donor.


Hunter Biden tells Bobulinski, “We will not go into any detail about the business. I just want my dad to be comfortable with you.”


The Bidens never want Joe to know the intimate details of any deal, according to the excerpt.


In fact, when Bobulinski asks Jim Biden the next day if he’s worried that they may get caught in any of their influence-peddling schemes, he says he’s not because Joe Biden never knows the details and thus can maintain “plausible deniability.”


Joe Biden shows up and after speaking with Bobulinski, says that he trusts him.


Devine writes that this was a “crucial meeting because for the first time, an outsider would see the extent to which Joe was involved in Hunter and Jim’s international business. Joe was the final decision-maker. Nothing important was done without his agreement.”


The deal under consideration was a joint venture with CEFC China Energy. Its founder and CEO, Ye Jianming, would own 50 percent and the Bidens would split the other 50 percent.


On May 15, 2017, Bobulinski incorporated SinoHawk Holdings LLC, which, according to Devine, “would be a global investment firm seeded with $10 million of Chinese money that would buy projects in the US and around the world ‘in global and/or domestic infrastructure, energy, financial services and other strategic sectors,’ said the contract he had drawn up.”


The Bidens’ 50 percent would be owned by Oneida Holdings LLC, a new corporation.


On May 13, 2017, business partner James Gilliar sent an email to those involved that set out the percentages each would receive from the venture, according to the excerpt.