Anonymous ID: de23f6 Nov. 29, 2021, 2:11 p.m. No.15102365   🗄️.is đź”—kun

This is so bizarre…dancing man makes every effort to stay withing the camera scope acting all cracked out (I don't actually know what a cracked out looks like but, ya).

Anonymous ID: de23f6 Nov. 29, 2021, 2:33 p.m. No.15102471   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Anyone remember the bread with the Townsend dig? There is more…so much more. I'd like to find it so that I can link directly to the previous findings with the new findings.

Anonymous ID: de23f6 Nov. 29, 2021, 3:07 p.m. No.15102646   🗄️.is đź”—kun

My faith in is absolute.


Notables are good on the go, but the accumulated data in this one resource is immeasurable. So thank you for that.


To continue on the subject of this enigma, Frances F. Townsend. I am too lazy to go find the live links that I posted in this research, so figure it out.


We know, through that research, that Townsend is a heavy hetter. She has been well directed and educated through the 'system'; sits on so many boards there are too many to highlight and new ones keep popping up. But not only that she is a MSM consultant…so let us have a look shall we, at some of the most qualitative career moves this woman managed … so what happened to "Men occupy the most prestigious roles in top corporations and government." ( a subject for another day)




There is no clear lineage to this womans career, seems she must have different versions of her CV to suit what ever position she endeauvors. i myself was faced with the same dillema at mid career level where I had been exposed to worlds different experiences. For example, rural mail delivery to receptionist to freight forwarding to Provincial Fundraising Manager for a highly controvertible "charity"…that were supposed to look for children, anyway.


Back to Townsend…did you know she was on a list for Trump appointees? Or rather, talked about by everyone but President Trup so far that i can find…I don't think she was a consideration. I think she was something being pointed out.


Follow the pen…Do you remember that? Of course you do.


"Trump’s pen first made its mark moments after the inauguration ceremony when he headed inside the Capitol to sign some bills for his Cabinet nominees alongside family members and Hill leadership. "


The article calls it the Cross pen…Failing to knowledge it was the Cross Townsend…


more links on the pen…seems important, historical:


MSM is on now, describing what they want YOU to know about the trial today. Document everything.