IT'S TIME ANONS. The crazy fucks days in the sun is OVER. Listening in the background to Rochelle Walensky talking to Ari Melber on msnbc. I spent the last 2 weeks talking to people, mostly strangers, all races, both sexes. We all say the same thing. Media isTHE ENEMY
Just saying. Met a woman in the supermarket at the ground beef section. Was looking for ground chuck, she had a 1.6 pound of it. I asked where you find that. She said an employee handed it to her and said it should be there. I said, I don't need that much, she said the same thing. I took She is black, I am white, we connected.
Oh shit. Joy Reid is saying the mother of the 15 yr. old who committed mass murder at his Oxford, Michigan high school was a big fan of President Trump and the 2nd. amendment. Believe we got us a MKaltua event. Who is the mother? What shrinks did/is she going to? No fucking way does this happen naturally.
Oh shit. Joy Reid is saying the mother of the 15 yr. old who committed mass murder at his Oxford, Michigan high school was a big fan of President Trump and the 2nd. amendment. Believe we got us a MKaltua event. Who is the mother? What shrinks did/is she going to? No fucking way does this happen naturally.
Oh shit. Joy Reid is saying the mother of the 15 yr. old who committed mass murder at his Oxford, Michigan high school was a big fan of President Trump and the 2nd. amendment. Believe we got us a MKaltua event. Who is the mother? What shrinks did/is she going to? No fucking way does this happen naturally.
Oh shit. Joy Reid is saying the mother of the 15 yr. old who committed mass murder at his Oxford, Michigan high school was a big fan of President Trump and the 2nd. amendment. Believe we got us a MKaltua event. Who is the mother? What shrinks did/is she going to? No fucking way does this happen naturally.
The biggest question of the time is: So Are Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Really Done? If they are then the we just saw The Kardashians commit suicide. See story at thegatewaypundit.
Re: Alex Baldwin's killing of his producer.
Means? He had the gun, he could gave put live bullets in,
Motive? He put all his money up to produce this movie and he knew is was going to bomb. He had insurance.
As Colombo would say: the almost perfect murder.
We living in loony tunes time anons. Nothing to be done but teach them a lesson they will never forget.
Yes, oranges or lemons, one or the other. Then it was another thing. Think it was the bark of a tree. Can't remember what kind of tree. You had to then simmer the whole in some kind of vinegar water covered for 5 or 6 hours. Then drink a tablespoon twice a day.