>>15132488 pb
Oh dang.. the soup is real, kmfao. Holeeeee shit.
>>15132488 pb
Oh dang.. the soup is real, kmfao. Holeeeee shit.
He's a cardiothoracic surgeon. Traffickers need surgeons in order to harvest the organs.
Hi, Ron.
Durham, faggot. (Sussman and Danchenko..) [They] only have perceived control and that's over when the normies wake up. Hildog's about to go down.
We die to the world on the cross and transcend the flesh, faggot, but your dumbass clearly walks by sight.
In other words, you can’t read and comprehend. (I just fkn told you but you’re too dense.)
Do we all need to change now so that you can feel better, control freak?
You’re just too fucking stupid. Weak? You want to talk about a weak man’s game? Care to look at what you’ve typed? Oh that’s right.. you can’t. Loserferians are incapable of introspection. All y’all can do is project. Get thee behind me, faggot.