The Administrative State that has neutered American Communities and reduced them to economic/health dependence on multinational corporations that are offering society up with a list of conditions designed to humiliate and break us as a people so they may dissolve our Constitution without a fight from us. These entities that hold the power over your life are:
-County Sheriff (3005 Counties = 3005 Sheriffs)
This is the main arbiter of day to day enforcement activities (or lack thereof). The Sheriff isn't the everything. The Sheriff is the only thing in the County. No Judge in the County can overrule the Sheriff in enforcement. No Governor can overrule the Sheriff in a County without legislative assistance.
-County Health Official (3005 Counties = 3005 County Health Officials)
Alameda (Oakland) County Ca has a 3 million $ annual budget. They're the people that are giving the Mayors, City / County Commissioner Councils, School Boards, Schools, Universities, local Federal Gov offices and many more societal segments the authority to enforce vaccines and mask mandates. If there are mandates in your County they're coming from the County Health Official.
Then equal in priority are the 'School Boards' and local 'Chamber of Commerce' and 'City Business Planning Commissions' that are selling you down the river by taking huge kickbacks from the Targets and Taco Bells and letting them siphon your wealth out of your community. And as an added kick to the nuggets, most City Councils are letting the multinational corporations do it tax free.
Anons / Citizen Journos - Every City, Every County, it's all gone woke and to shit because we got lured away from participation. The only way America works is with a large percentage participation from it's citizens. Otherwise Clintons, Brennans and Obamas happen every time.
It starts at home. Faith Family Freedom Community Charity(Local only)