Will he do it?
“Dear Joe Rogan”
Ben Davidson,Suspicious0bserversposts direct message toJoe Rogan“have me on your show”.
Will he do it?
“Dear Joe Rogan”
Ben Davidson,Suspicious0bserversposts direct message toJoe Rogan“have me on your show”.
Jay Inslee is deploying FEMA Dec 20 Washington State
Many here worship sacrificing a god, but still don’t grasp why they then energize and align to being sacrifice.
Sacrifice is killing to eat. Who are these worshippers dedicating their sacrifices to? Amen.
Amen, Amn, Ahm/ohm - sound
L/El, la, allah/ the la - the 6th tone or sound
Same same is same
It is a tool of colonization, as you just stated. Mind then body slavery. Believe in dominion before willingly behaving as defeated, subordinate, lesser, under- a slave.
Missionaries and bibles always preceded soldiers. Bind the mind, the ass will follow. Same in reverse.
Colonization. OWNERSHIP. Dominion. The mind is always the target. you are mind.
Jab is a set up for what comes next in most combinations, or series of shots/punches
Leovani Paysuer. Illuminati clown on twitter. A joke.
>I'm thinking it's a Q proof and they are coming in for another reason?
Mass body removal perhaps