>>15181379 (lb)
>Trump drawing a dick on chris Wallace's forehead.png
Saw this last bread. Didn't give it much thought. Then came across one an hour later.
Hadn't realized it kinda makes his initials, kek.
>>15181379 (lb)
>Trump drawing a dick on chris Wallace's forehead.png
Saw this last bread. Didn't give it much thought. Then came across one an hour later.
Hadn't realized it kinda makes his initials, kek.
Even if this did happen, who cares? Before the 2008 real estate collapse, I was a successful on-paper millionaire who for whatever reason was (still is) ALWAYS mistaken for a stock-boy/man at WalMart, Lowes, wherever I shop. I'm white. Did I take offense? Can I too play a victim card for being thought of in a position "beneath my status"? My reaction was usually to play the assumed role to whatever extent I could help.