>I'll take things that never happened for $55
>If this 'doctor' is lying, shouldn't he be investigated by the medical commission
This BLM activist and doctor has stopped people from responding to his tweet after many doubted he was mistaken for janitorial staff in his suit and tie.
Tye Winters, DO, FACOP, FAAP
Walking down the hallway when stopped by someone
"Excuse me, you're housekeeping, right?"
I replied, "no, but I can try to help you if you need something"
The person looks down at my badge
"Oh you're a doctor!?!?!? Sorry, you looked like the custodial staff"
>You’re sure that ‘person’ wasn’t two Nigerian guys, right?
>You have on a suit. This 100% did not happen. No one in the history of mankind has looked at any person in a suit and said, “hey janitor.”
>Tell me Jussie Smollett is your hero without telling me Jussie Smollett is your hero.
Many People Doubt BLM Doctor’s Bizarre Story of Racism, and Call Him “Dr. Smollett”
His Twitter bio reads like a who’s who of progressive activism. He works at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, one of the most liberal cities in Michigan. And in his profile, he refers to himself as a “social justice warrior” a BLM supporter, and he has his pronouns listed in his bio.
He’s got pretty much everything “activism” covered.
And now, he even has the “racist” public incident that he’s tweeting about.
However, many people aren’t buying his story and have labeled him “Dr. Smollett.”
Tye Winters says he was walling down the hallway dressed in his fancy suit, and he was mistaken for a housekeeper.