You should be asking yourself why Israeli intelligence would be taking orders from POTUS.
People like to claim the USA is Israel's golden calf, they should think mirror.
You should be asking yourself why Israeli intelligence would be taking orders from POTUS.
People like to claim the USA is Israel's golden calf, they should think mirror.
Have you read a bible? Aaron fashioned a golden calf and said "These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt."
Have you ever noticed how close Aaron and Aryan are?
Never confuse religion with Truth. Many come in His name and deceive many.
By the way money is not the root of all evil, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
What do those like Soros crave, more money, or power?
You just proved you have no understanding.
My bible? The bible is a collection of scripture, it is not itself the Word of God. Jesus is the Living Word, the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. Lo0ok past the words on the page and see the Word.
My church? My church is not in any building, there is no one above another, and we disqualify no one. Where two or three gather in His name, there He is.
My pope? The pope is anti-Christ. Jesus warned about them. They are the false apostles.
Don't confuse religion with Truth. Many worship in Spirit, but God seeks those who worship in Spirit and in Truth.
Why do you think I support the vatican? The popes are the false apostles of Revelation, Jesus specifically warned us about them.
They worship their power, money is a means to power.
You're arguing with what you THINK I believe, rather than Truth. That shows how deceived you are by the vatican and those like them.
Because those in power pick and choose what they want you to read. Your mistake is ignoring the scripture that was included in the bible believing it's invalid because of what they left out. All scripture is useful.
Anon church is not a building, and just because you don't go to a church doesn't mean God rejects you.
Jesus said, if you love only those who love you what credit is that to you? Don't reject the Way, the Truth, and the Life because of what those he warned us about have taught in His name.
Rely on? That's your claim, not Truth.
The bible is a collection of scripture that they picked and chose from and put together for your reading convenience (kek), yes it's incomplete. For instance in the bible Jesus references scripture that's not in the bible. That doesn't make the scripture they included invalid, and it doesn't make the scripture they didn't include invalid. All scripture is useful.
Why do you assume I've only read the bible and "rely" only on it?
The bible is not the Word of God, it talks about the Word of God. Jesus is the Living Word, the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. Look past the words on the page and see the Word.
No, you're literally rejecting Truth because they talk about Him in the bible.
The scripture existed before the bible, and Truth was with God in the beginning.
Jesus is all over the old testament, you just don't have eyes to see.
It's funny you're willing to believe the gospel of Thomas while adamantly rejecting others.
Not even close, and people are here to research, not be controlled by you and told what to believe. Fuck off.
That's your choice. Read the screenshot again.
While not everything is true as written, it does lead to Truth.
Curious, do you think the bible tells you the planet earth was flooded with literal water?
No it hasn't, that's what YOU and some others thought it meant. You're no autist, you're blind.