Less see; why did his decline comment up til now?
Morans thought they could just wave their hands around (notice Jen Pizzdonkey's hand waving; likely trained? To cover for the fact she can't think, to distract from the stupid script / play she is forced to read / make?)
They thought the People would forget..
Well now they found out.
No one is forgetting.
The Chinese Script writers ? fail to understand USA and JenPizzdonk "techniques" just won't float fly or pass muster, here
The enemy fails to understand USA
Now Pedo has to make a public answer so much too late?
"Fuck Joe Bida" chants are staying and getting louder
They know now the scream "Fuck Bidan" will just get louder and louder until hes GONE BABY GONE
They think they worked up Trump-hate.. but that was shallow emotion, based on little reality.
Hate for Bidan is based. Based on fact and reality. Their Trump hate is nothing but delusional, fantasy, "my feelings"
Pedo having to speak out now just proves the RAGE against his criminal acts ( and the thousands left behind which, as an issue, will continue until they are brought home safely) is finally reaching their stupid ears
So the late lame commentary is finally made.