Let's fucking get it.
Wanna hear something that'll really trip out a lot of yous?
Remember hearing/learning about Thomas Paine and that thing he wrote called '' "Common Sense"? ''
All yous'll trip when he starts ranting about the Jews.
See that look on his face… think he's at the '' "exterminate them all" '' phase in his life?
How much vax would Woodcock jabs if Woodcock could skip testing?
Remember hearing/learning about Thomas Paine and that thing he wrote called '' "Common Sense"? ''
All yous'll trip when he starts ranting about the Jews.
Start @ 20:55
They really want to put it in you.
Keep it up.
Get it girl.
We always holding.
Remember when y'all thought ST was just a bunch of crazy punks singing gibberish?
If only you'd listened you'd be as ready as we are.
Maybe those weirdos who are always writing down their clock in/out times on their hand weren't so weird after all.
Pen to calender never fails.
Remember the ones who told you they will try to rip us all off when the touchscreens and keyboards fail.
Merry Christmas.
THESE are the times that try men's souls.
- Paine