How do you break (their) monopoly of the food industry? Disregard the title of this article and read the highlighted portion. Hang in there, anons.
Retail beef prices at record highs causing ranchers to make less for cattle
Customers are now paying more than ever for beef with retail beef prices are at record highs, rising 21% over the last year.
With the steady rise of beef prices in markets, ranchers have been making less money for their cattle.
Experts say the issue of lower cattle prices has a lot to do with the fact that there are more cattle to process than space to process them.
But, producers say things are changing.
The next couple of years are expected to look good for cattle producers, and that is one of the reasons that beef is in high demand.
''Dozens of meat processing facilities have opened in Montana in the last year and half with more on the way.''