Don't know about that, but I know someone who has been sitting on Kodak stock since POTUS shone his spotlight on them
Youre not wrong. Fear is powerful at a cellular level - as is love
>U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC)
Doubt there is anyone in that commission who cares about the U.S. - but im glad to read theyre concerned we can destroy them
Saw an excellently researched theory yesterday that Islam was misdirected by 'Mecca' - their actual holy place was Petra. Wonder what will happen when that knowledge reaches critical mass
Oh good - I've been thinking it was weird thryre attacking the one vaccine with the fewest adverse events
They know Omicron spreads like wildfire. They know it is as weak as a cold. They know it will provide natural immunity to vaxxed and unvaxxed alike. RESIST the lockdowns and it is GAME IVER for COVID. The whole thing goes down. I'm singing Timberrrrrr
Just like POTUS told us —- COVID is about to 'just disappear'. And in the meantime anons have dug up cures for cancers and a host of other things.
WE WILL WIN, ANONS. We already have - the beast just doesn't know it's dead yet - but it has fucked around and it is about to find out
Same as it ever was
Because he did the job they were supposed to do. Can't have that!
The protests all across Europe and other countries ought to do the trick
Pretty sure I had Omicron a couple of weeks ago