>Looks simplistic.
Exactly the point. I don't care what point in the bread we are on. I come here and dough has been altered the bread will be locked and we will start over. Done fucking with these faggots.
>And the paysuer shit in the catalog can only be viewed as a slide as there has been no confirmation that P = Paysuer
Sure thing.
I actually kinda like. I'm pretty open to banners that are G rated and are patriotic.
>baker pushing "no such thing as germs" - same shit
Last time the pledians were gonna save us. It was like 4 months ago they promised I was gonna be dead by "Tuesday"
>Strange because otherwise you come across as a total cunt.
Strange, I didn't know I had to be liked or friendly to do a good job as a BV.
>a matter of perspective
I'm here for a reason. Just like you. Of course you don't like the job I do. I exposed your crew last time and now your shit is just stale. I mean come on, fake Q, again?
>I think it was the not so nice personal massage to bv in the dough
>Yeah just saw it. Also marked the BO discord link in globals as "COMP'D"
My feelings matter none. All the shit they do is to distract you. Unfortunately, my only recourse is sometimes to shine some sunlight on them.
>we are not here to make friends, just to have free speech and flow of info.
>maybe you should work on twatter, much better suited.
>(waiting to get banned for a opinion)
>vpn engaged
Imagine trying to convince anons that the group that weaseled their way into a GV spot, comped Qs board in an attempt to take over Q research who knows what reasons and faked a bunch of a Q posts are the good guys. You suck at your job moshe.
Subliminal coaching doesn't work when you are aware of it.
We used to use pastebin accounts, but they even comp'd that. Anons have to start fighting back more. If you see a bread that is fucked, make a new one. Anons choose who the bakers are. Always have, always will.
>You have proven yourself to be unreliable.
I've been the most reliable thing on Q research since Q left. You and your crew have just proved to be stupid and jewish. Which is basically just Jewish twice.
>Get of this board, imiediatly.
I'm going to have you sent back to Romania if you don't lose that attitude. You don't want to be a gypsy whore again, do you?
>Ypu're the garbages
<Be from Romania
<call others garbage
<die in shower of glass from the ceiling in your house when throwing rocks.
adding, o7
>at least my heart is pure
>my soul is pureโฆโฆ
>you, what, insulting me???
>you don;t even know my name, but love to insult me????
>go on.
Mr. pure heart has threatened to kill me for banning board jew 3 times.
>You understand the idea of a VPN exit point right.
It has nothing to do with his VPN that I know he is romanian.
>There'd be no reason to do that.
>Of course not
My belief is it is simply monetary. I can't believe an intel agency or think thank would hire people this stupid. So they have to be grifters trying to promote bitcoin or some shit.
Thanks, I'll change it. He is Jewish though.
>Q sucked a lot of Flynn dickโฆ
And you swallow Lins wood. Difference is one is a General that was targeted by the deep state, the other is a grifter that believes he has a shot at being POTUS, that showed up in January. I know, tough call, but I'll stick with Flynn.
>You got a picture of Chris Cuomo in there with your Juden star on it.
There's also a screencap from twitter where he is speaking to his Jewish brothers and sisters. Guess you missed that detail