those digits !
Wojak House posting about vaxxed vs un-vaxxed is pretty wojakky
if only you could feel my feelz about the shots
honk honk
>offer a bitch slap
pimp slaps are more desirable
if you're going to bash your bitch it's more effective
yeah sure, the booster will give you magical protection
what a load of shit
these NWO motherfucker gubbermint shills like Herr Lauterbach need to be…… (your choice)
make greta great again
your post reminds me of all those mysterious microbiologist deaths
"The worlds top anti-virus microbiologists are being killed off. By 2005, 40 were dead. Today, over 100.
Many murdered, the rest died under very suspicious circumstances. It is known they were all working on highly sensitive or government-funded research projects tied to bio-weapons and viral pandemics."
you are fem-fagging
just as bad as a name-fagging
trying to use your roastie vagina and saggy tits as leverage does not work here
> shitposting and Psyops in here are tedious.