Just read there are 4 different monoclonal antibodies now authorized for use against COVID19:
"Four different monoclonal antibody treatments have been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The latest, authorized on Wednesday, offers long-term protection to people with weakened immune systems or who can’t take vaccines due to allergies — even before they’ve been exposed to the virus"
Almost instant relief of symptoms if taken early. Yet NOT getting distributed. The federal government has bought up the supply and is controlling the distribution - including cutting Florida's share (which is why Gov. DeSantis went directly to the manufacturer and is supplying it to his state without an MD prescription).
Imagine if the government spent as much time and money and effort supporting the manufacture and distribution of therapeutics/treatments like this as they have on the vaxx development and PUSH, advertisements, media and distribution.
Also, if the the vaccine and mask mandates are still under emergency use authorizations (EUA) how can they continue to be valid if EAUs can only be issued where there is no effective remedy?