Send Thomas to the Olympics in women's swimming, and make him swim in the nude like the Greeks use to.
I hope other Countries accuse & start Legal proceedings against AMERICA for cheating in the Olympics.
>This is worse than when the Russian sent dudes to complete as women. Or when they screw with Olympians hormones & use steroids.
Where is the Woman's Rights Activists? They are stealing results from real women.
>If you were born a man with a dick regardless of wether they are DICKLESS now. They CANNOT compete against women.
Just like when Jenner was awarded women of the year. When he had only been a woman for one year.
Follow the Science dumb fucks! If you were born with a dick, you will never become a woman regardless.
Transgenderism is a Mental health issue.
Its called "Gender Disphoria"
So are all the Transgender females rapeing women going to get special treatment in Court to?