They hate that Israel is getting lit up like a Christmas Tree. They're taking it out on QR. ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center are losing $$$ because of QR.
I'm going to make a declaration right here on Q+ back channel. Q+ Jr has the kahunas to do the job. He's about as dialed in as dialed in gets.
Doge is acting psycho. BV gave him fucking transatlantic length rope. Doge STFU.
Will Trump’s ‘F*ck Netanyahu’ moment hurt his standing among US conservatives?
Former president’s broadside could be debate fodder for Republican opponents in primaries, but some party insiders say his positive actions for Israel still take center stage
Anons, Israel is shitting it's pants with the recent QR exposes plus Q+ disclosures. We saved Israel for last. It would seem as we are there.
Discussion of Israel.
NOBODY is talking about Epstein/GMax originating in offices in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem… yet…
It always culminates in the 'persona' trying to 'brand' the board. BV knocked the everlasting shit out of that concept.
Stick out. Be different. Cause a stir. Be heard by slipping the occasional barb in.
Christmas Analog Information Warfare
The only single women above 35 are either 'woke' or on life support in an ICU
Sunday Night Truth - I vote we ban the posting of Doge graphics for 3 weeks. I mean when there are more doge pics than Q+ pics? What the fuck is up with that? It's spam spam spam disguised as bake bake bake.