Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 3:19 a.m. No.15223803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3806 >>3811 >>3814 >>3818 >>4058

Morning anons…



when I have collected I just made a text file and started cutting and pasting post numbers and then coming up with titles…


any gnostic/false history/tartaria anons around this am? I have a drop but won't make sense unless someone here to understand it :-). Quantum that thought be…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 3:33 a.m. No.15223836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3841 >>3848 >>3864 >>3869 >>4005 >>4151 >>4402

In the most recognized and most well respected Dead Sea scroll text, called the The Secret Book of John, the origins of our world are explained. Our world was…


-the "creator" of our realm is NOT a good being

-the "creator" of our realm was created in error and without permission/agreement

-the "creator" (yaldaboath) of our realm modeled our realm after the Aeons of the Heavens.

-SOURCE=TRUE GOD incarnated in our realm to "check it out" and incarnated as First Man Adamas

-Yaldaboath "copied" SOURCE's First Man with the help of his demons (who number 12 x 365 BTW…)

-Sofia (Wisdon) is the creator of Yaldaboath but repented and is helping our realm

-SOURCE is correcting our realm and the outcome will be GOOD for most


Most realms are made up of LIGHT…this is an important concept! LIGHT gives ACCESS to SOURCE!.


Our LIGHT is different on this realm and has been what Yaldaboath and his crew have been trying to manage and STEAL…


How? My initial thinking was the soul contract = sign your soul over to the Yaldaboath crew…but THEY have done more than that I am now thinking…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 3:35 a.m. No.15223841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3848 >>3864 >>3869 >>4151 >>4402


So how does this work? Anyone ever hear of archetypes? As you read the Secret Book, consider the Aeons/rulers are ARCHETYPES of thought/feeling. Carl Jung was a GNOSTIC.


From the Secret Book of John

"Noah knew his own authority

And that of the light Being who illuminated them

Although the Chief Ruler poured darkness over all the world.


The Chief Ruler and his powers plotted a strategy,

To send his demons to human daughters

And make themselves children by them to enjoy.

But they failed.


After their failure they made another plan.

They created anartificial spirit

Modeled on the Spirit who descended

So, to impregnate souls by means of this spirit,

The demons changed appearance

to look like the women’s husbands

They filled the women with that spirit of darkness and wickedness.


They brought into being

Gold and silver,

Money and coins,

Iron and other metals and all things of this sort.


And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles

And were greatly misled.

And grew old

Experiencing no pleasure,

And died

Finding no truth,

Never knowing the true God.


This is the way that they enslaved all of creation

From the foundation of the world until now. "

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 3:40 a.m. No.15223848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3856 >>3864 >>3869 >>4151 >>4402



So what is anartificial spirit?


Could it beelectricity?

If you study Tartaria or alternate history did the artificial spirit begin to take over with theworlds fairs?


I am 100% convinced we had a world wide grid that was fueled by Aether which would beTRUE SPIRIT and LIGHT


Electricity was ARTIFICIALLY created to BLOCK us from the Aether…when we are connected to the Aether we "remember" and have access to the "tree of Knowledge" which is our higher minds.


From here it gets more practical and scientific…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 3:46 a.m. No.15223856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3864 >>3869


Electricial "grid" hums along at 50hz…


Anything special about 50hz/60hz?


" In addition, these findings indicate that magnetic fields can act as a co-stimulus at suboptimal levels of mitogen; pronounced physiological changes in lymphocytes such as calcium influx and c-MYC mRNA induction were not triggered by a weak mitogenic signal unless accompanied by a magnetic field. Magnetic fields, thus, have the ability to potentiate or amplify cell signaling."




"Exposure to 50 Hz EF decrease the plasma levels of total cholesterol and phospholipids, and downregulated DGAT2 mRNA expression in liver. The mechanisms for the effects of EF on lipid metabolism are not well understand yet, but altered DGAT2 activity may be involved."


We have trouble with vitamin D = we have trouble with cholesterol

We all have to many circulating lipids

Most of what is wrong with us has to do with triglyceride processing

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 3:59 a.m. No.15223869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3872 >>3877 >>3879 >>3880







Would this not be a reason that we need the electric grid to fail? Worldwide? Maybe OUR plan not THEIRS?


Gnostic texts proclaim that we are individual LIGHT units rather than a world of LIGHT. We are like FENCEPOSTS in a dar world. Trapped in our cocoons we sally forth to gain one of the highest archetypes called KNOWLEDGE…


My 2 cents is we are about to BUST FREE of our LIGHT cocoons and SHINE…


But we gotta get rid of the 50-60hz BACKGROUND…and reconnect the GRID…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 4:15 a.m. No.15223887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3891


It is interesting how experiences we have had in life, the interests, the bright shiny objects, have all contributed to a knowledge base that is more than useful right now in the Big Decode.


I feel like I am BARELY to stage 0!


And WOWSER did we have a cool and very high tech civilization that it should be easy peasy to get back to once we FLIP THE BISCUIT…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 4:21 a.m. No.15223898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3932


"local action…"


DO something…GET involved…


What do other anons think of the Flynn/L.Wood situation?

Wood calling Flynn a satanist…

I have alot invested in Flynn beingRIGHTas I am sure others do…

Thoughts? No one above scrutiny HOWEVER, I don't see any Q posts that mention L.Wood do you?


Another thing to watch is the Clay Clark/Stew Peters/CIA op/Finders situation that looks to BLOW UP soon…


Pedo #declass brings down the house….

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 4:24 a.m. No.15223909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917


>What about the birds?


A very nice story…

They all have EARTHLY DNA don't they? Now I wonder why that is…


YOU…YOUR SOLE…The part of you that LIVES FOREVER…


That is what they are trying to get you NOT TO SEE…


YOU are Divine…

YOU are Created in the Image of SOURCE…

YOU are Sovereign…

YOU cannot be enslaved (unless you allow it…)…


So "fooling" you into thinking there are "aliens" is a game…a mindfuck…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 4:28 a.m. No.15223918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3935 >>3963


>we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death


If these guys really cared about us they would be so excited about this variant! Here is some TRUTH…

-as a virus mutates it gets WEAKER not STRONGER (although it could become some other virus through mutation…) …see the concept of ENTROPY…

-a WEAK covid virus would be a Godsend as it would create immunity with very few severe symptoms…


These people just want us toDIE


That is the bottom line…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 4:33 a.m. No.15223930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3938 >>3944 >>3961 >>3987


Wow! This is interesting…


>Jonathan Greenblatt's Anti-Defamation League on Wednesday demanded Fox News take down an "anti-Semitic" comic that portrays George Soros as "a puppet master who manipulates national events."


So Soros, who is a Nazi, but also a Jew, gets defended by theADL


What the actually hell is habbening…


Do NORMIES see this poop?

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 4:41 a.m. No.15223955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3985


+1 anon and about where this anon is…ty…had not heard of the 7 rays and will check into that.


We DO NOT have the TRUTH regarding creation, religion, etc as it has been altered…


What is TRUTH could look cultish now. The poor Christians…I am sure the BRIDGE will be soft, but the TRUTH is gonna hurt a bit…


The concept of Father/Mother/Son is the HIGHEST of all Heavenly archetypes…so that bit is CORRECT…but how Yaldaboath has modeled that inn our realm we just do not have the facts yet…


SOURCE is committed to changing this realm. The Aeon who created Yaldaboath is committed to changing the realm. So it WILL CHANGE and will become a REALM OF LIGHT for most of us (4-6% gone as we have been told…)…

Anonymous ID: 72f6fb Dec. 20, 2021, 4:46 a.m. No.15223968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3987


>they are supporting a person that stole all the jews valuables snd turned them into be killed in camps.




ADL defends the parasites was my point…regardless of if they are nazis or not…which is about the farthest extreme from what they are suppose to support…was showing the CONTRAST…the dichotomy…the conundrum…