The letter Kaf is the 11th letter of the Aleph-Bet, having the numeric value of 20. The pictograph for Kaf looks like a palm of a hand, whereas the classical Hebrew script is constructed of a bent line that appears somewhat like a crown on the head of a prostrating king. Kaf is the first of the "double letters" in Hebrew, having both a "medial" form and an ending form (sofit).
The Mystery of Kaf
In Jewish Mysticism, the two letters of the word "kaf" are the initial letters of the two Hebrew words: koach ("potential") and poel ("actual"), suggesting that Kaf enables the latent power of the spiritual (the potential) to be made actual in the physical:
Dual Aspect of Kaf
The literal meaning of Kaf is "palm" which is considered the location where potential of the Yod (hand) is actualized (interestingly, the gematria for the word Yod is the same for the letter Kaf). For this reason we bless children with palms facing them and we envision God as having His palms over us, for this image suggests the calling forth of the latent power of the spirit within for manifestation in the physical world.
Also for this reason Chassidut considers reciting the Modeh Ani blessing with both palms together in the morning an act of soliciting the power of God to be made manifest in our daily lives.