>>15272187 lb [187]
>>15272906 lb (late)
Huma & Q829: Zebra_Zebra, 23, pen
Q: We have it all (naughty photos / vids)
Vogue: Huma was HRC's secret weapon
sucks to be hillary
>>15272187 lb [187]
>>15272906 lb (late)
Huma & Q829: Zebra_Zebra, 23, pen
Q: We have it all (naughty photos / vids)
Vogue: Huma was HRC's secret weapon
sucks to be hillary
fair bit of blue and white in that NFT image
cobalt blue has a33vibe to it. sun and moon.crypto. occult. Nazis?
was Melania wearing [navy?] blue and white in that pic in front of pyramids, or was that black and white?
concur, but moar than just right-left political spectrum
left hand path.
This terminology is used in various groups involved in the occult and ceremonial magic. In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic or black shamanism, while the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic
In more recent definitions, which base themselves on the terms' origins in Indian Tantra, the Right-Hand Path (RHP, or Dakshinachara), is seen as a definition for those magical groups that follow specific ethical codes and adopt social convention, while the Left-Hand Path (LHP, or Vamamarga) adopts the opposite attitude, espousing the breaking of taboo and the abandoning of set morality.
Huma and 9/11??
… Abedin claims to love politics, but after talking to her for a while, you begin to suspect otherwise. It's not the horse race or the ins and outs of policy that get her animated. What she really seems to like is the way that politicians are uniquely invested with the power to help individuals—as with, say, thewoman whose legs were badly broken by a piece of plane fuselage on September 11.After reading about Deborah Mardenfeld's plight,Clinton and Abedinwent to visit her several times in the hospital. The first time, Mardenfeld wasn't even conscious. The next time, she was awake and told her visitors that she was a big Meryl Streep fan. Clinton had a set of DVDs starring Streep sent to the hospital. Over the next few years, Huma kept in touch with Mardenfeld, helping her cut through red tape to get the right doctors and treatment. Two years ago, Mardenfeld was able to dance at her own wedding reception. Both Hillary and Huma attended. “To me, that's one of the blessings of this job,” Huma said. “In some tiny, tiny way I am part of history, but I am also able to help people.”
Huma in on 9/11 with HRC??
$8M for 9/11 victim - Survivor hit by 2nd jet's wreckage
New York Daily News ^ | 6-4-2004 | WILLIAM SHERMAN
Posted on 6/4/2004, 10:57:33 AM by Hillary's Lovely Legs
A 32-year-old West Side woman brutally injured in the 9/11 terrorist attacks has been awarded $8.6 million by the federal Victim Compensation Fund, the largest payment under the program so far.
Deborah Mardenfeld, a human resources executive at American Express, was walking on Vesey St. shortly after 9 a.m. [33?] when she was crushed by debris falling from the second plane that slammed into the World Trade Center.
"I had just left the subway, I was in the underground mall and a man told us to go out onto the street," she told the Daily News.
"I looked up, I saw the second plane hit, I heard someone scream 'Run' and I ran, and that's the last thing I remember," she said.
Her ordeal is beyond agonizing.
Mardenfeld almost bled to death that day and needed an immediate transfusion of 31 pints of blood. [13 backwards?]
Her buttocks weresliced off,her back was split open, her intestines were punctured and her legs were crushed and fractured, among other injuries.
She spent the next 15 months in hospitals, the first five at NYU Downtown Hospital, and then 10 more months at the Rusk Institute for rehabilitation.
"She had 27 [3^3] different reconstructive operations and needs 10 more in the future," said attorneyGuy Smileyof Manhattan, who represented Mardenfeld for free in her case with the compensation fund.
Smiley said the $8.6 million award was split into $4 million for pain and suffering and $4.6 million for medical costs, care she will need for the rest of her life and loss of income.
"I would give every penny back to change what happened," Mardenfeld said.
Sometimes she can walk for very short distances with a walker, but she must use a wheelchair even to get to a car.
All the while, her fiancé, Gregory St. John, a microbiologist and immunologist, has stayed by her side.
"He's an amazing person," she said. "We plan to get married, we love each other, we support each other, but right now my recovery is the focus of my life."
Mardenfeld would like to go back to work some day. She has a master's degree in human resources management.
"I have hopes of returning to a normal life but I can't look past this year," she said. "I look at it day by day and try to make the most of my recovery. I still believe in all the possibilities of what my life can be."
The Victim Compensation Fund has issued awards for 2,569 injury claims. Payments have ranged from a low of $500 to Mardenfeld's award.
For those who died, the fund has offered awards for 5,162 claimants, generally relatives, and the average payment has been $2.1 million.
War of 1812 saw US burn down Brit canuckistan capital at York (April 27, 1813), followed by redcoats burning down Whitehouse in 1814
A Most Magnificent Ruin: The Burning of the Capitol during the War of 1812
In retaliation for the Americans' recent burning of the Canadian capital at York (Toronto), British troops descended on Washington, D.C., to set fire to much of the city. Follow the August 1814 path the British took to burn the U.S. Capitol and learn more about damage done to this historic building…
The nation was in the midst of war. Word of the approaching forces sent most of the population fleeing, leaving the capital vulnerable. Meeting little to no resistance, British troops set fire to much of the city, in retaliation for the Americans' burning of the Canadian capital at York on April 27, 1813. Those who remained on the evening of August 24, 1814, were witness to a horrifying spectacle. The British torched major rooms in the Capitol, which then housed the Library of Congress, as well as the House, Senate and Supreme Court. The White House, the navy yard and several American warships were also burned; however, most private property was spared.
"special relationship"