Yep, total bullshit.
>The people TASKED with hiding information from the public seems to see RRN as their enemy.
Kek, that's bullshit.
Those TRYING TO GET AHEAD of a narrative and spoil it with disinfo in order to discredit legit research/investigations are who would benefit from parody sites like RRN.
RRN is helping those who then go on fake news to do 'lOoK aT whAT qAnons aRe cLaiMiNg' hit jobs.
RRN fails to include any evidence, any substantive documentation, to corroborate their stories.
>Board Jews see RRN as their enemy
This comment is proof you're using a communist playbook. Associating criticisms of X with a group you label as bad, to defend X and attack the group.
I'm a Christian and I see fake news as an enemy, but I do not see RRN as an enemy because they admit they're parody.
To shill RRN stories as if they are legit news stories, THAT'S fake news and THAT is what I consider to be an enemy.
You're flipping the truth upside down making blanket claims about imaginary this group vs that group.
It's like you're intentionally trying to divide anons.
You should first RE_READ Q drops.
"No comms made outside of this platform. Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately."