DS wants protests, so they can Jan 6 the shit out of everything.
If protestors are anti-vax, and Trump were anti-vax, the MSM would join Trump and the protestors at the hip. Any destruction, which could also be done by the illegals pouring in, would be blamed on Trump. Have to think of illegals as DS foot soldiers in this regard.
Saying vax is OK, but no mandates, and there would be none if he were still POTUS, he stays out of the protestor fray. This encourages non-vaxxed to STFU and just drop out and ups the pressure and nation=wide hope for a Trump return.
If Brandon blows up the country, and we find out, for real, that Brandon had to steal the election in order to get in the position to fuck it up, no one will be able to save him. No one wanted to talk about voter fraud when it happened, even the courts. It will look different when that issue is revisited with the rubbles of the US economy as a backdrop.